I serve as the Senior Minister of First Baptist Church in Pensacola. Content is intended to provide reports and reflections on recent events and relevant topics effecting faith formation and spiritual development.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
It's the Spirit of the Season
Christmas is a time for sharing and for feasting, a time for storytelling and for singing. Although we enjoy the popular songs of Christmas, the real meaning of the season comes from biblical stories that have been preserved and passed on to us across many generations. Throughout Advent we have experienced the longing of prophets, the announcement of angels, and the anxiety of a young mother growing great with child. This week we celebrate Christmas…the birth of the Christ child, the response of shepherds, and the visitation of wise men. This biblical story of Christmas is a part of the greatest story ever told.
This Sunday morning we will meet for worship in the sanctuary at ten o’clock dressed casually in the colors of Christmas. On Sunday afternoon, we will meet at five o’clock for our annual service of Candles and Carols.
In the spirit of the season, invite a friend or neighbor to join you as we gather for worship on Christmas Eve.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Progressing Toward Christmas...One Candle at a Time
Last Sunday, we began our Christmas countdown by lighting the Prophecy Candle. Then we visited with the prophet Jeremiah as we were “Researching God’s Family Tree.” We learned, in the words of Calvin Miller, that “Once grace has scrubbed the soul, anyone can take their place in the lineage of the Son of God.”
This Sunday we will light the Angel’s Candle and we will visit with Zechariah where our quest will be “Discovering the Lost Christmas Carol.” Between Mary’s song, often called “The Magnificat,” and the angel’s song of “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men,” we will explore an often overlooked song by a previously muted priest and father who played a crucial role in God’s great drama of salvation.
This season of the year presents a unique opportunity to invite disconnected friends and family members to join you in worship.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Advent: Initiating Our Countdown to Christmas
Later, as a young minister, I was introduced to the colors and candles of Advent and my journey toward Christmas changed drastically. Today, I am convinced more than ever that as mission-driven Christians who live in a market-driven culture, we need the reflective disciplines of Advent to keep us alert to stealth forces like materialism, busyness, and greed, illusive grinches who would love to steal away the real message and gifts of the season and replace them with superficial slogans and glamorous counterfeits.
For the Christian, the season of Advent is like a countdown to Christmas. For the past 35 years, Dick Clark has hosted or co-hosted a version of “New Year’s Rockin Eve,” a high-energy, star-studded countdown with nonstop entertainment until the ball is dropped in Times Square christening the beginning of the New Year. For a Christian, Advent is our progressive, contemplative countdown, our nonstop journey of anticipation that culminates when the Christ candle is lighted and the Christmas Star shines over the manger in Bethlehem.
This year in our church, we will count down the days until Christmas by re-visiting the prophets, singing the carols, re-reading the gospels, and lighting the candles that refuel our peace, hope, love, and joy. Then we will be better equipped to empathize with the anxiety of Mary and Joseph, to feel the labor pains of God, to celebrate the birth of the world’s most pivotal newborn, and to hear both the singing of angels and sobs of Rachel weeping.
If we dare to count down the days and recount the biblical stories from Advent to Christmas, we may find ourselves ready to follow Christ from the cradle to the cross, and beyond.
Our Countdown to Christmas
Let our worship of God resound with the music and symbols of the season. Accompanied by a broad range of instruments, voices of all ages will lead us in singing the hope-filled hymns and joy-filled songs that announce, “Christ, the Savior is born.” From the lighting of the Advent candles, to the singing of the carols, to the messianic prophecies and nativity stories of Holy Scripture, our worship opportunities during this season will warm the heart and stir the soul.
Let our hearts “ROC” with glad and generous giving. Again this year we will participate in Operation Christmas Child, Angel Tree, and other local holiday projects. Your faithful and cheerful giving during December will support our comprehensive program of missions and ministry, and your designated gifts will help build the ROC.
Let us joyfully support global missions. On November 29 and on December 7 we will hear stories from our global missionaries. Our goal for the World Missions Offering given in honor of Lottie Moon is $100,000. Your holiday mission offering will provide livelihood and resources for our partnering missionaries during the coming year.
Let us make quality time with family and friends a priority. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of holiday activities, I encourage you to designate quality time to be with family and friends. Plan to enjoy a meal, attend a concert, participate in a holiday mission project, plot your charitable gift giving, read the Christmas story, attend a sporting event, or visit a retirement center.
As we launch our Countdown to Christmas, we echo the invitation of the hymn writer who heralded “Come and worship, come and worship; Worship Christ the newborn King!”
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
As You Celebrate Thanksgiving...
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks unto him and bless his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” (Psalm 100:4-5)
Thanksgiving provides a time to be with family and friends. Thanksgiving allows time to celebrate the richness of relationships. And most of all Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude for the bounty of God’s blessings and to recommit ourselves to being good and generous stewards of those blessings.
As you celebrate Thanksgiving this year, make plans for a meaningful and festive holiday that will strengthen your faith and your relationships:
- Attend a community or area Thanksgiving service.
- Take inventory of your personal blessings and give thanks.
- Invite a person who would otherwise be alone to be your guest for a meal.
- If you must travel to your Thanksgiving destination, use the traveling time as an opportunity to highlight the things for which your family is grateful.
- Especially give thanks for our freedom and pray for our service men and women, our nation, and our world.
- As you begin holiday shopping, exercise Christ-honoring stewardship.
- During the busyness of the weekend, spend some quiet moments reflecting on the specific ways God has blessed you and how you can employ those blessings in the service of the Lord.
- In response to God’s blessings in your life, prepare your financial gift for missionaries through the World Missions Offering in honor of Lottie Moon.
- Complete your Thanksgiving celebration by participating in worship and Bible study on Sunday.
As we continue our series, “Songs That Come To Life,” this Sunday we will be asking, “Where In This World Is Beulah Land?”
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
O Brother.....
As a part of our series on “Songs That Come to Life,” our worship services this Sunday morning will accent the spiritual message and music that comes to us from the popular movie, O Brother, Where Art Thou? Critics described the movie as “a comedy film about three stumblebum convicts who escape to go on a quest for treasure and who meet various characters while learning where their real fortune lies in the 1930s Deep South.”
From the saga of Cain and Abel in Genesis to the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels, we are taught to look after the interests of our brothers and sisters, especially the poor, the disadvantaged, and the wayward.
As we explore the biblical text, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” from Genesis 4:9, I will highlight some of the more memorable and meaningful quotes from the movie. Do you remember what the characters said? The following quotes from the movie and the music will be mentioned in the message. How many blanks can you fill in between now and Sunday?
“I am a man of ________ _________.”
“I’ve seen _______ all my days.”
“We’re in a ____ spot.”
“He’s in the ______ ______ now.”
“The _________ you seek shall not be the ______ you find.”
“It’s the_______ and _______ from here on out.”
“In the ________ and _______, I’ll be somewhere working for my Lord.”
“I guess I'm the only one that remains _________.”
There is no greater time than now to invite others to join you in exploring and experiencing faith.
Monday, November 13, 2006
What Baptists Believe: A Review of Historic Baptist Principles
What factors shape the authentic Baptist identity of our congregation? Putting the word “Baptist” on our church sign does not make us Baptists. Giving to a certain state or national Baptist mission entity does not make us Baptists. Doing missions and ministry according to historic Baptist principles makes us Baptists.
Last Wednesday we began our series by highlighting the Baptist belief in the “The Authority of Scripture.” On Sunday evening during our Deacon Ordination and Commission I shared a brief explanation of the doctrine we call “The Priesthood of the Believer.” During the remainder of November we will explore the following Baptist principles and doctrines:
November 8 “Salvation by Grace”
November 12 “Baptism by Immersion”
November 15 “The Lordship of Christ “
November 19 “The Autonomy of the Local Church”
November 21 “Cooperative Missions”
November 26 “Religious Liberty”
On Sunday mornings, we are engaged in the series “Songs That Come to Life.” This Sunday morning we will ask, “Are These the Days of Elijah?”
There is no greater time than now to invite others to join you in exploring and experiencing the mystery of worshiping and serving God.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sunrise Over Pensacola
Our mission as a congregation is to glorify God, to love one another, and to proclaim the message of Jesus. As we embrace the challenges and opportunities of the coming days, every ministry of our church has the ultimate goal of nurturing others toward a deeper journey of following Jesus.
Throughout the month of October, our worship services have emphasized the theme “Practicing the Purposes” as we have highlighted the five purposes of the church. The first Sunday we reflected on “Coming Back to the Heart of Worship.” The second Sunday we focused on Fellowship as “Connecting with the Family of Faith.” The third Sunday we concentrated on Discipleship as we talked about “Getting Our Souls in Tune.” And last Sunday, Dr. Lankford creatively led us to probe the question, “What is Evangelism?”
This week we will tie the purposes together with a message on Ministry entitled “A Fitness Plan for the Body of Christ.”
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Visiting Our "Ole Kentucky Home"
The lyrics to the famous folk song claim, “The sun shines bright on my ole Kentucky home.” Amanda and I have been blessed to have positive experiences and long-term friendships in every church and community where we have served. Consequently, the churches we have served have been kind to invite us back periodically for significant events and special occasions. For almost eight years, it was my privilege to serve as pastor of First Baptist Church of Corbin, Kentucky. This Sunday, it will be our privilege to return to Corbin for a worship service and reception in our honor. During our years in Kentucky, this unique and courageous congregation encouraged us, challenged us, and cared for us. We look forward to a brief reunion with treasured friends and long-time partners in ministry.
This Sunday morning at First Baptist Pensacola, we continue our journey through the five purposes of the church as Dr. Ross Lankford shares a message on evangelism, offering practical insight on how we communicate our faith with others. Then, on Sunday evening, we will gather in Pleitz Chapel at six o’clock where the theme will be Discovering Our Ministries. Some of our ministry coordinators will share highlights of the various ministry opportunities at First Baptist Church.
As we work toward strengthening our ministry muscles, our deacons will be participating in a Deacon Ministry Workshop on November 4. Ordination for our newly elected deacons is scheduled for Sunday evening, November 5. Bob Gowing has been chosen as deacon chair elect and will join current deacon chair, Scott Bell, in providing excellent leadership for our deacons during the coming year.
Invite a friend to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study this Sunday.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Standing on the Promises...Practicing the Purposes
October begins a new fiscal year for our church. In the 2005-2006 church year, your tithes and offerings exceeded our projected budget by $188,000. In addition to the mission partners in our budget, you gave more than $300,000 to mission offerings to be used in Florida, Mississippi, and around the world. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the Lord through the missions and ministries of our church. As we strive to be good stewards of our blessings, we look forward to surpassing our Ministry Action Budget goal of $3,483,000 in 2006-2007.
During the month of October our worship services are built around the theme “Practicing the Purposes of the Church: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Evangelism, and Ministry.” On October 1 we talked about “Coming Back to the Heart of Worship.” On October 8 we focused on the importance of “Connecting with the Family of Faith.” Next Sunday, October 15, we will be invited to a journey of discipleship as we are “Getting Your Soul in Tune.”
Both Escambia County and Santa Rosa County Schools have Fall Break weeks in October, which means that many of our families are traveling at some point during this month. If you and your family have an opportunity to travel, please travel safely and enjoy a wholesome time of rest and recreation.
This week take the initiative to invite a friend or neighbor to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study.
Friday, October 06, 2006
"Pardon Our Dust"
The fence is up, the dumpster has arrived, the POD is in place and pre-construction work is beginning on the former Christian Activities Center. During the next several months, we will be asking guests and members alike to “pardon our dust” as we renovate and expand the CAC into the Paul Royal Recreation and Outreach Center.
Construction may indicate progress but the dust, delays, and detours dirty our vehicles, alter our schedules, and test our patience. For the next few months, many individuals and classes will be called upon to alter their usual routine until construction is complete. Our education building will be more crowded as our high school students meet temporarily in Chipley Hall and our Vietnamese Fellowship meets temporarily on the 4th floor.
Here are ways you can help make our season of construction more pleasant:
1) Arrive a little early and park in the East parking areas off of Guillemar if you are under 70. This will allow those 70 and over, and those with mobility concerns, to park in the upper parking lots by the Atrium and near the YMCA.
2) Admire the progress from a distance and avoid entering the construction area.
3) Invite friends to attend with you and share with them about our construction and our plans for the ROC.
4) Pray for those construction workers on our campus that the coming months will be accident free.
5) Exercise patience. Almost every worthwhile project encounters unexpected challenges and delays.
Hopefully in August or September of next year we will be dedicating the ROC, but until then, pardon our dust.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Good Things Are Happening in October
ROC Progress Report: When added to existing funds, our first wave of ROC commitment cards indicate that we are almost 80% of the way toward our goal of $2.4 million for the ROC and we received over $150,000 in initial gifts.. Thank you for your enthusiastic commitment to the ROC.
In the weeks ahead, we hope to reach the 100% mark in ROC commitments. Other commitment cards will continue to arrive for the next few weeks. At our house, it was not easy to gauge the appropriate amount to pledge toward this project compared to other projects. So during the next few days, Amanda and I will revisit our pledge, and make a slight upward adjustment as we make progress toward to ROC goal. I am confident that during the coming weeks we will work together prayerfully and sacrificially to meet and surpass our goal.
During October, our worship services will focus on the five purposes of the church: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Evangelism, and Ministry. This Sunday we will think about “Coming Back to the Heart of Worship.”
On Sunday evenings in October, we will be sharing the Discovery Experience at six o’clock in the chapel. This experience will designed much like our Discovery Class for new friends and new members, and will serve as a great way for participants in our church to review our history, highlight our ministries, and gaze into the future.
Good things are happening at the church On the Hill, On the Bay.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Get Ready To ROC
Other important ministries are shaping up for the coming year. Last Sunday, our congregation affirmed a slate of 30 new deacons to begin serving this year. Then on Monday evening, our Administrative Council and our Deacons elected each of the following persons to serve as Deacon Emeritus: Dave Andrews, Monte Barrow, Max Dickson, Charles Griffin, Gene Langston, Lester Ennis, T.A. Shell, and Bill Thompson.
Deacon Emeritus is an honorary position in recognition of those persons who served faithfully during four or more terms as a deacon at First Baptist Church. Additionally, our Deacon Emeriti serve as encouragers and mentors to newly elected deacons and they assist the pastor in the service of Communion.
As we come to the end of September, we say thank you to those who have completed a three year term of service as deacons. Our church family also expresses gratitude to our outgoing Deacon Chair, Larry Hicks, who has served with wisdom and spiritual passion during the past year. Beginning October 1 we welcome Scott Bell as Deacon Chair for 2006-2007 as we look forward to a great year of worship and ministry.
We are in the final days leading up to ROC Commitment Sunday when we offer our commitments and initial gifts toward the Paul Royal Recreation and Outreach Center. Note the revised schedule as we meet at different times for Bible Study and one combined celebration of worship.
This Sunday we will focus on the question “Where Will I Be In 2016?” Invite a friend to join you for this strategic worship experience.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Becoming a Student for Life
The writer in Proverbs describes the learning process as “attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair.” (Proverbs 1:1-3).
In his “Discipleship Journal,” author Bill Mowry offers the following suggestions on how to become a lifelong learner:
¨ Start with your attitude. Lifelong learning begins with a heart that desires change, wisdom, and application.
¨ Ask questions. Learners ask good questions. They possess an insatiable curiosity—a longing to know, discover, and inquire. Ask questions that get below the surface.
¨ Join others. Collaborative learning—in classes, small groups, with friends and colleagues—allows us to benefit from diverse perspectives and approaches. People are a gold mine of learning that is tapped through conversation.
¨ Check out the other side. Take time to examine and understand another point of view, even if it radically contradicts yours. You may see things in a new light, or you may have your old convictions strengthened. Personal convictions that have never been tested remain flabby.
¨ Read broadly. Include a diversity of books, authors, and topics. Resist the temptation to read only those books that reinforce what you already believe.
¨ Keep a journal. Recording what we learn captures our growth in wisdom.
¨ Experiment. Try new approaches and ideas. Age does not affect your ability to learn. An eighty-year-old can learn to surf the net like an eighteen-year-old.
¨ Apply what you know. Our depth of understanding is often directly related to our ability to apply what we’ve learned. Application takes knowledge from the head to the heart.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Go Ye…Back to School!
August is here and many of our students have begun, or will soon begin their fall semester. This Sunday during our services of worship we will recognize students and teachers of all ages as we share in a prayer of dedication for the coming school year.
During the excitement of the “back to school” season, we look forward to hosting in a Family Night and Fish Fry next Wednesday evening August 9 beginning at 5 o’clock. What a great opportunity to bring the entire family and to invite new friends as we share an evening meal and participate in both indoor and outdoor games at the Christian Activities Center. Parents and children will have an opportunity to register for AWANA and sign up for Children’s Choirs. You may want to bring your camera and take a photo of the CAC prior to renovation.
Our first August concert, scheduled for Sunday evening at six o’clock, features the “Go Ye Choir and Orchestra” which recently shared seven concerts in 11 days in Prague, Vienna, and Salzburg on our International Music Mission Trip. The diverse selections for the concert include hymn arrangements and spirituals, and compositions by Mozart and by Michael W. Smith.
Invite a neighbor to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study this Sunday.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
A thousand pictures are worth a few words...

Photos are great ways to preserve memories and to share highlights with friends. Our group took a few thousand pictures during the choir tour. Check out Bob Morrison's photos which are posted at http://goye.shutterfly.com.
Tuesday July 25, 2006 "Home Sweet Home"
Each group encountered minor delays and few pieces of lost luggage and music instruments, however, most of the cargo was located on other flights and will be delivered to Pensacola on Wednesday.
Thank you for praying for our group during the 2006 Go Ye Tour. I will sharing a few devotional reflections from our trip on Wednesday evening July 26, and the "Go Ye Choir and Orchestra" will present the first of our August concerts on Sunday evening August 6.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday July 22-24, 2006
Early on Saturday morning, our group left the Crowne Plaza in two groups following tour guides on “The Sound of Music Tour.” We were also joined by Ulli, the adopted German daughter of James and Shirley Calloway. The Calloways and others from Pensacola met Ulli on a chapel choir tour here many years ago and Uli has visited Pensacola on several occasions since that time.
The tour began with a short walk to Mirabella Palace, where we took photos of the Pegasus fountain where Julie Andrews and the children sang “Do-re-mi.” After hearing a brief history of the palace we boarded buses where we visited various sites where the movie was filmed. Stops included Leopoldschon (the home fronting the lake where the boat turned over), Hellbrunn (the location of the gazebo where “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” was sung), and Mondsee (the village where the church is located where the wedding occurred). We also listened to the historical narrative of the actual Von Trapp family which inspired the movie.
On Saturday afternoon, about half of our group boarded the bus for a four hour tour to Eagle’s Nest, the site of Hitler’s mountain retreat. While the buildings were not impressive, many felt the alpine scenery of this tour was the most spectacular of our trip.
On Saturday evening our large group divided into small groups to visit the Old Town area, especially locating and previewing the sites The DOM and the Collegiate Church, the sites of our Sunday concerts.
Shortly after breakfast on Sunday morning, we boarded buses to travel to Old Town to The DOM, the largest cathedral in Salzburg. The DOM offers six different occasions for mass on Sundays, each service mostly filled to capacity. Our group was assigned to the 11:30 mass.
To be invited to The DOM was quite an honor for our choir and orchestra. However, our presentation was not without challenge. Because the masses run consecutively, we had a very brief set up time. We had “taxied” our orchestral instruments to the plaza and offloaded them into a storage area. We had approximately 6-8 minutes to enter the cathedral, set up instruments, and arrange the choir members on risers. Because the risers had no seats, and because we were singing 6 selections throughout the mass, our choir stood for the entire hour long service. The cathedral is not air conditioned and was packed with worshippers standing in the back and along the sides. There was no nursery and the natural acoustics amplified both our singing and the sounds accompanying infants.
Back home, the “inconvenience” of such a service would have given many an excuse to stay home. We were inspired, however, by the loyalty of these worshippers who attended services faithfully in spite of the distractions.
The mass was in German. Our eyes were glued to Bob, and Bob’s eyes were glued to a cathedral assistant who signaled to him each time we were to sing. Although we could not understand the priest, we could understand the 23rd Psalm and The Lord’s Prayer. When we sang “Amazing Grace,” voices from various languages joined in from around the cathedral. After the service, Ulli shared with us that the homily by the priest was an outstanding message about Jesus. Our participation in mass completed our tour of 3 of the most notable churches in Europe: St. Nicholas, St.Stephens, and The DOM.
After lunch on Sunday afternoon, many members of our group visited shops and vendors around the market square inviting others to join us for the evening concert at the Collegiate Church. The Collegiate Church serves as the chapel, the house of prayer, and a favorite concert location for university students. This interfaith church is the centerpiece of Old Town Salzburg. Our evening concert was unique because the choir was arranged in the round. The choir formed a single file circle around the orchestra which was seated underneath the central dome. Although the audience was primarily in rows of seats between our circle and the front door, many in the overflow crowd gathered around the walls and columns on all sides of the church.
This unique arrangement presented quite an unexpected challenge for our vocalists. Most of us could only hear our part but not the other voices in the choir. We were winging, I mean singing, by faith. However, the parts blended forming a natural stereophonic sound. At the conclusion of the concert, the audience responded with prolonged enthusiastic applause. Bob and the missioners affirmed the choir and orchestra for a great final concert. After the concert, we greeted attendees from Romania, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Boston, California, and New York. Many of the attendees heard our group at the morning mass and decided to attend the evening concert.
Today is Monday, a free day for touring Salzburg and preparing for the trip home. Approximately half of our group arose early and ventured by cable car up to the Salzburg Fortress, a prominent hilltop castle looming over Old Town Salzburg. The oldest parts of the castle are more than 1000 years old. The castle has never been penetrated by enemy forces. Now the castle is filled with museums, restaurants, scenic overlooks, and gift shops. The steep walkway down from the castle passes The Nunnery, the location where the Von Trapp family hid among the gravestones.
This afternoon our group members are packing, resting, or buying last minute souvenirs. Our luggage will be loaded onto our buses this evening and we will depart the hotel at 3:45 tomorrow for our departing flights out of Munich.
With great appreciation for the privilege of participating in this International Music Mission tour, most of us are more than ready to return home to Pensacola and rejoin our family and church family.
From my perspective, our tour group has represented First Baptist Church with Christian integrity and character. And our group has seized the opportunity to share the good news in concert and in casual conversation.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday and Friday July 20-21
On Wednesday evening we shared a concert at the International Christian Fellowship who met jointly with the International Baptist Church. The international church meets upstairs in a multi-story inner city building in a room that resembles a large Baptist Student Center. By the time the concert began, a standing- room-only crowd had gathered. This assembly reflected the diversity of God’s family as multiple races, multiple ages, and multiple socio-economic backgrounds gathered to celebrate our common faith in Christ. The ovation given to our choir and orchestra was indeed one of genuine gratitude and appreciation. After the concert, church members hosted us for a light snack supper which consisted of a huge buffet of finger foods, deserts, punch, apple juice, and peach tea.
Yesterday was a free day, for most of us, that is. Holly Renaud had been feeling sick on Wednesday and did not feel like singing in the evening concert. Around daybreak on Thursday, Holly’s mother, Diane, took Holly to the local hospital emergency room. Thankfully, Holly had a minor infection, was given antibiotics, and is on the road to a full recovery.
Throughout the day, small groups from our musical tribe scattered around Vienna exploring a variety of venues. Some took carriage rides in the historic district. Others took the underground railway to the landmark Ferris Wheel, made famous in one of Orson Well’s movies. Bob Morrison climbed 300-400 steps up the tower at St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Amanda and I joined a small group in taking a sightseeing tour by boat on the Danube River.
Last night, one contingent of the Pensacola gang traveled to Schonbrunn Palace for a tour, a feast, and a magnificent concert. Another group of us traveled to the City Market, an outdoor marketplace with all kinds of merchandise and international foods. Still another group reclined around Stadtpark, a botanical park across from the InterContinental Hotel.
After dinner, our group returned to Stephensplatz, the historic plaza around St. Stephen’s Cathedral for one last visit. While there we began watching a group of mimes and artists in action. After a few moments we discovered that we were watching an international ministry team, anchored by members of the International Christian Fellowship, where we sang on Wednesday evening. The team was engaging in street evangelism by presenting the gospel in drama and art. We were delighted to visit again with the new friends we had made on Wednesday evening. After many more extemporaneous photos and hugs, our group returned to the hotel to prepare an early transport to Salzburg on Friday morning.
Today is Friday. After visiting the huge breakfast buffet, we boarded the buses to head for Salzburg. On the autobahn, just over halfway to Salzburg, a passing motorist signaled for our second bus to pull over. Bob and Annette are riding bus one. Amanda and I are riding bus two. Bus two is towing a small trailer with musical instruments and luggage. When our driver pulled over to the side of the autobahn, we discovered that the left trailer tire was shredded and the trailer was riding on a rim. Our driver called for “Austrian AAA” and assistance arrived within 15 minutes. By this time, bus one had pulled into a nice rest stop with a great selection of Austrian foods and pastries. Bus one unloaded and returned to retrieve the passengers from bus two so that we could all enjoy lunch. Within an hour, our driver and bus arrived at the lunch spot and we all began our journey on to Salzburg.
About 40 minutes from Salzburg, the right trailer tire on bus two exploded ripping the wheel cover from the trailer sending it airborne into the median of the autobahn. Our driver skillfully maneuvered our double decker bus and the defiant trailer to the shoulder of the autobahn. Again we called the “Austrian AAA” and assistance arrived within 25 minutes. However, this time, bus one proceeded on into Salzburg and checked into the Crowne Plaza. Bus two was stalled on the autobahn for approximately two hours while the tow truck drove to the next town, purchased another new trailer tire, and returned to mount it. Our group made the best of a bad situation by reading, napping, conversing, or taking walks on a nearby rural road. We finally arrived in Salzburg around 4:30.
Salzburg is in a mountainous region of Austria near the German border. Temperatures are typically mild. But Salzburg, like most of Europe, is trapped in a heat wave. Temps usually average the low to mid 80’s in the summer. Today the temperature reached 96.
After check-in, many of us walked into Old Town to view the DOM and the University Church, the two sites where we will sing on Sunday. As we approached Old Town, well-known as Mozart’s birthplace, we were greeted with posters complete with color photograph announcing the Sunday concert by the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra of First Baptist Church of Pensacola.
We also learned that tomorrow night, the world famous Toronto Children’s Choir will be in concert at the DOM. Our group will be honored to follow them on Sunday morning.
I feel at times that I am bragging on our group. That is intentional. For a small group of amateur musicians from our church family to learn and memorize 15 difficult pieces of music and travel to the foremost music cities of the world and sing during the season of Mozart’s 250th birthday is an accomplishment that should generate pride all across the panhandle. Our repertoire includes two Mozart pieces, hymn arrangements, spirituals, and contemporary songs, all of which present our praise to God and a musical presentation of the good news of Christ.
Group members scattered to a variety of restaurants to enjoy dinner before returning to the hotel for a good night of rest after a long day of travel.
We have heard news from home and now know that Norman Thrash went home to be with the Lord. Our group sends our prayers and heart-felt sympathy to Mrs. Thrash and family.
Tomorrow our entire group plans to go on “The Sound of Music Tour.” Some will continue on to Eagle’s Nest, Hitler’s mountain retreat, tomorrow afternoon. Our final two concerts are scheduled for Sunday.
Once again, we will miss meeting with our church family in Pensacola on Sunday. I am appreciative of your faithfulness to pray for us and to support the ministries and activities of FBCP while we are away.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tuesday and Wednesday July 18-19, 2006
Given the history of this region during Nazi and Communist occupation, we were especially interested in the border crossing. The first check point was to exit the Czech Republic. The second check point was our entrance to Austria. Between the two check points was a neutral zone of approximately ½ mile that was once covered with landmines to prevent illegal border crossings. After our bus driver gave the name, number, and point of origin of our group, we were granted passage without having the border patrol board our buses.
After a quick check-in at the InterContinental Hotel (where President Bush stayed during his June visit to Vienna), we quickly changed into formal wear and re-boarded the buses to prepare for the evening concert. Our drivers took us into District 1 (the historic district) just inside the Ringstrasse, the unique avenue circling the city. From there we walked several blocks to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the largest and most notable cathedral in Austria, where we were invited to sing for high mass and to perform an evening concert. Missionary and ministry colleagues have informed Bob that it is highly unusual for a Protestant Church Choir to be invited to sing at St. Stephen’s Cathedral.
I need to check the exact historical dates of the church, but the oldest construction date I saw on a church plaque was early 1200’s. St. Stephen’s is the church where Mozart was married and where his final mass was held.
We were awestruck at the architecture, the décor, the acoustics, and the warm welcome we received. Although the mass was in German, early in the mass, the priest offered an articulate blessing to our choir. Our choir shared three selections during mass. Most of us were not familiar with the liturgical order of high mass but we followed the lead of the congregants and celebrant in order to know when to stand, sit, and pray. We were emotionally moved by the experience of participating in mass, and we came away with renewed appreciation for our own lively and diverse traditions of worship. After mass the priest took off his robe and approached the choir to make a presentation to Bob and to personally thank the choir. Following mass, we shared a 30 minute concert. The concert attendance more than doubled the attendance at mass. As our choir recessed the cathedral, the congregation continued applause throughout our exit. We were overwhelmed by the generous affirmation and hospitality.
As we walked around the historic district, we were surprised but glad to see posters promoting our concert. I think members of our church and residents of Pensacola would have been extremely proud to see these portraits of our sanctuary choir and orchestra with the caption and concert invitation translated into German posted around this beautiful city. The St. Stephen’s experience will certainly be remembered as a high moment in our trip.
Today is Wednesday. After we enjoyed a bountiful breakfast buffet at the hotel, we began a City Tour of Vienna. Once again our guides were informative and insightful in orienting our group to the history and culture of Vienna. We drove by the United Nations building, crossed the Danube, and drove the Ringstrasse. Then we disembarked from our buses and toured the historic district. We walked through a series of Hapsburg palaces, one of which now serves as the presidential palace. Then we returned to St. Stephen’s for photos. We concluded our City Tour at the Mozarthaus, the Vienna residence of Mozart where he composed “The Marriage of Figaro.”
We have a little time to refresh and regroup before re-boarding the buses to travel to the International Christian Fellowship for our evening concert. Tomorrow is a free day for rest, touring, and shopping. We depart for Salzburg on Friday.
In addition to sharing the good news in song during worship services and concerts, our group members have dialogued and interacted with other tourists and local residents about matters of life and faith. As we were preparing to depart Prague, one of the hotel managers commented on how “happy” our group seemed to be and how much friendlier our group is than most groups lodging at the hotel. One of our concert selections echoes the words of the psalmist that “the Lord is my light and my salvation.” I am appreciative of the many ways that our musicians and missioners let their lights shine.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Monday Afternoon Update
Sunday and Monday July 16-17, 2006
FBC was established in 1885. The main street entrance is minimalist, much like the entrance to an inner city apartment complex. Members told us that the entrance was intentionally designed to protect the anonymity of the church during the occupation of hostile military regimes.
Our choir and orchestra shared five songs and I shared a message from Exodus. It was obvious to us that we were worshipping alongside a congregation that appreciates the freedom and privilege of worship. The congregation joined the choir, some in English and others in Czech, on many of the selections. "Amazing Grace" took on new meaning as the blending of languages and voices ascended heavenward. I noticed tears in the eyes of both congregants and choir members as we shared in worship, a reminder of the vast diversity within the family of God.
David Slama, a minister from the northernmost region of the Czech Republic served as my interpreter. David was articulate and genuinely humble. Our group quickly came to love the pastor and congregation, but we had a special appreciation for David.
Many others joined us for worship. A youth group from Burnt Hickory Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia filled the balcony. A Romanian minister attended both morning and evening, and literally begged Bob Morrison to bring our choir to Romania. IMB missionaries and personnel enjoyed visiting our group, especially Steve Warren and the Terrells, who are friends of FBCP member, Gloria Kerley.
After the morning service, we boarded buses for a one hour trip to Terezin for an afternoon tour. Terezin is a concentration camp where both Czech political prisoners and Jews were detained by the Germans. Terezin was a holding prison and not a gas chamber, but many were transported to Aushwitz from there. However, our guided tour gave our group picturesque insight to the horrors of the Nazi regime. Many were tortured, hanged, or shot while in Terezin and many more died after being liberated due to disease, exposure, and malnutrition.
This was an especially emotional visit for Mavis Garrett and her daughter, Janie, because Mr. Garrett had been detained as a POW in a similar camp.
At the conclusion of our tour of Terezin, Bob had asked me to share a "Pause for Power," which is what we call our regular devotional moments throughout the trip. I shared the following passages from Viktor Frankl, the Austrian psychiatrist was had been a detainee, and from Micah 6:8:
"The meaning of our existence is not invented by ourselves, but detected."
"What matters therefore is not the meaning of life in general, but rather the specific purpose of life at any given moment."
"We can discover this meaning in three ways: (1) by doing a deed, (2) by experiencing a value, or (3) by suffering."
"What is required of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8.
On Sunday morning we had learned the fax machine had been stolen from FBC. On Sunday afternoon, en route back to Prague we decided to take an impromptu offering for FBC to replace the stolen equipment. Our group pooled our loose Czech coins and currency and collected over 6600 crowns, or over $325 US dollars to present to Pastor Solc.
On Sunday evening we returned to FBC to share a full concert. We should not have been surprised that the congregation returned in large numbers. Russians, Romanians, Brittains, Czechs and Americans all joined in voice to sing "How Great Thou Art." Our choir and orchestra sang with missional passions. As one choir member said, "I was exhausted prior to the concert and energized afterwards."
After a long, long day, and long walks from the hotel to the bus parking area, we gathered in Old Town Square dressed in concert formals at 10 p.m. for a group photo. Then the group turned in for an evening of much deserved rest.
Today is Monday, a free day for sightseeing and touring. While some slept in, many of us arose for an early breakfast and brisk walk to the Vtlava River and the historic St. Charles Bridge. Near the bridge there is an excellent photo spot in a floral garden overlooking the river with Prague Castle atop the hill in the background. This scene will adorn the photo albums of many members our tour group.
We have heard the FBCP enjoyed a good day of services and we have already received a photo of the "Here Ye Choir," courtesy of Myron Almond.
I enjoyed an early breakfast with Bill Morrison just before he returned to Old Town Hospital to check on Avery. Bill is meeting with doctors this morning to discuss Avery's possible discharge later this afternoon. Avery was spirited and gaining strength yesterday following her surgery on Saturday evening. The Morrisons are tentatively planning to complete the trip with us, but will quickly alter that plan for an early return trip home if Avery has any complications.
Other than Avery, everyone in our group is healthy. And we are learning with illustrative clarity a new Bobism: "to be on time is to be late and to be early is to be on time."
Our group departs Prague for Vienna tomorrow morning at 8 via motorcoach.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The Blog from Prague July 14-15, 2006
Unfortunately, Joyce Butler had to cancel just a few hours before our departure. Joyce encountered some mild health complications on Wednesday and her doctor advised against travel.
Also, the wireless internet access at our hotel is temporarily out of order. Those of us who can access a dial-up service are sending brief messages to family and friends. Many of us hope to send photos from our next hotel.
Most of the couples are staying at the Hotel Prague on the historic city square. Singles are staying at the Grand Bohemia Hotel which is only a couple of blocks from the historic city square. The area around the square could be compared to the French Quarter of New Orleans.
After an early breakfast we departed for a guided City Tour. Prague is a city of 1.3 million residents, a majority of whom are extremely friendly and welcoming. All of us are amazed at the detailed architectural designs and the lively artistic culture of Prague. After years of military occupation, Prague is re-emerging as a cultural community that thrives on art, music, drama, and philosophy.
The focal point of our morning tour was Prague Castle and the St. Vitus Cathedral. Our tour guides were mostly history majors who were informative and engaging as they narrated our tour in articulate English.
As we were departing the courtyard at Prague Castle, Avery Morrison tripped and fell downhill, banging face first against a concrete wall, then falling hard to the ground. Paramedics were summoned to take her to a local hospital. She had a small laceration to the forehead and a broken arm. X-rays revealed a clean but complete fracture between her left elbow and shoulder. After consulting with an orthopedic surgeon here, the Morrisons opted to proceed with surgery. Avery was out of surgery and in recovery by 7 this evening. Dr. Andy White and I have just returned from visiting Avery. She is in good spirits and feels she has received excellent treatment and hospitality from the local hospital. Doctors want her to stay 3-4 days but she is hoping to be discharged by Monday evening.
This afternoon we presented our first concert. We sang at the Historic St. Nicholas Church, one of the oldest Protestant churches in Prague. Because of the church's strategic location on the historic city square, St. Nicholas Church host daily concerts. The church was closed during the German and Soviet occupation, at one time even used as a horse stable. But in recent years, the church has grown to 400 members and has been re-established as a center for Christian Social Ministry. After our concert, the pastor at St. Nicholas continued to express gratitude for our visit describing our concert as "the best concert ever hosted by St. Nicholas." Although we did not charge admission, our concert was advertised as having "voluntary entrance fee." A few thousand "crowns" were received which will help fund the ministry of the church.
Tomorrow is one of our busiest days. We will worship and sing at First Baptist Church in Prague tomorrow morning and then return to FBC for a full concert tomorrow evening. I am looking forward to sharing the sermon during the service tomorrow. The pastor's daughter will translate for me.
Our touring group is like one big family. Deeper friendships are emerging and everyone on the trip seems to sense the awesome opportunity we have to share the good news in song even as we learn more about the Czech Republic.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Driven by Inner Purpose
In his book, Man's Search For Meaning, Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Viktor Frankl documents the profound power that a life purpose exerts over an individual under even the worst of circumstances. Frankl, who survived the Nazi concentration camps, described how prisoners who felt they had nothing to live for succumbed, while those who perceived themselves as having a mission to complete, struggled to survive. Deprived of all external supports that might give life meaning, these survivors came to realize that, in Frankl's words, "It did not really matter what we expected of life, but rather what life expected from us." Their sense of an inner purpose pulled them through the most horrible physical and emotional experiences so that
they might make their unique contribution to the world.
Everyone has a purpose in life beyond one's immediate interests and gratifications, though that purpose frequently goes undiscovered. Many people devote their entire lives to the pursuit of greater ease and pleasure. Those who had not found the "why" that gives meaning to existence may achieve material success, yet the real goodness of life will elude them. The true meaning of life lies in sharing our particular qualities of greatness with others.
2006 "Go Ye Tour"
On July 13, ninety-eight musicians and missioners from First Baptist church will depart for an international music missions tour. The 2006 “Go Ye Tour” promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime educational and spiritual adventure. We will visit Prague, Salzburg, and Vienna, areas rich in history, culture, and religion. Our diverse repertoire includes classical pieces by Mozart, a hymn arrangement, a rhythmic spiritual, a popular composition by Michael W. Smith, and an acapella benediction. On Sunday July 16, it will be my privilege to share a sermon at the First Baptist Church of Prague.
Throughout the tour, I hope to keep you updated with stories, highlights, and anecdotes as the hills come alive with sounds of timeless music and a life-changing message.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Liberty and Justice for All
Justice is much more than being affirmed for right behavior or punished for bad behavior. Justice strives to create viable opportunities for all persons to succeed economically, vocationally, and socially. Real justice seeks to create opportunities for the disadvantaged, such as the poor, widows, orphans, the sick, strangers, the hungry, the homeless, and those in prison.
We have pledged ourselves to work for “liberty and justice for all” persons, regardless of gender, race, economic status, political ideology, and religious background. To believe in liberty and justice for a select few is to abide by a shallow theology and uninformed patriotism.
Liberty and justice are not just philosophical ideals. They are practical spiritual values. John 8:32 proclaims, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free,” and II Corinthians 3:17 contends that, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Isaiah 30:18 announces, “For the Lord is a God of justice,” and Amos 5:24 exclaims, “Let justice roll on like a river.”
All this week, picnics, recreational games, and fireworks will all mark the birthday of our nation’s independence. As you celebrate, recommit your talent, your energy, and your influence to these concepts we call “liberty” and “justice.”
Monday, February 27, 2006
A Word From Kentucky
When I returned to the home of Amanda's parents in Jacksonville, I found her mom to be lightly sick and fatigued, but not overwhelmed with debilitating sickness. We had a pleasant visit with Amanda's parents, and then hit the road for Kentucky early on Saturday morning.
Amanda and I have enjoyed visiting First Baptist Church of Madisonville, Kentucky where I have been leading Winter Bible Study. During my years of service in Eastern Kentucky, I came to appreciate FBC Madisonville as one of the leading missions and ministry congregations in Western Kentucky. Although we missed being in worship with our First Baptist Pensacola Family, we are thoroughly enjoying our experiences in worship and Bible study with our friends in Madisonville.
We are also excited about good things happening at First Baptist Pensacola, especially the arrival of our two new associate ministers. On February 22, our church family unanimously called Don Minton as Associate Minister to provide leadership to Median/Senior Adults and Missions. Don and Debbie will be joining us on Sunday March 19. Ross and Jeana Lankford will be joining us on April 2. On the evening of April 2, we will welcome the Mintons and Lankfords with a reception in Chipley Hall. Continue to pray for both families as they make final preparations for their move to Pensacola. Ross and Don are going to be key additions to our team of staff ministers.
After completing this Winter Bible Study series in Kentucky, on Sunday I will begin a new series of messages from II Isaiah entitled “When God Calls Your Name.” I hope that members of our church family will read Isaiah 40-44 as we prepare to consider the hope-filled prophetic passages. In the first message we will examine Isaiah 40:18-31 as we affirm that there is absolutely no comparison between God and other loyalties.
When we leave the warm hospitality of our Kentucky friends, we are looking forward to returning home to Pensacola where the breeze blows warmer and the Spirit keeps sending new friends and undeserved blessings our way.