I serve as the Senior Minister of First Baptist Church in Pensacola. Content is intended to provide reports and reflections on recent events and relevant topics effecting faith formation and spiritual development.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My Resolutions...More or Less
I am not usually inclined to compose a list of New Year’s resolutions, but in 2009 there are some specific goals I want to work on personally and professionally. As I prepare for 2009, here are my big five resolutions…more or less:
1. Eat less and exercise more. My physician keeps reminding me that I can increase the probability of enjoying prolonged good health if I begin now to eat a little less (reducing 200-300 calories per day) and to exercise more (30-45 minutes per day).
2. Talk less and listen more. Several times in children’s sermons I have emphasized that God created us with two ears and one mouth so that we could listen twice as much as we talk. As I grow older, I am discovering the need for me as an adult to limit my speech and to be more intentional and focused in my listening.
3. Meet less and minister more. In recent months, the church I serve has taken some strategic steps to minimize the number of meetings we ask leaders and workers to attend, and to increase the number of ministry opportunities we provide. Even as a church staff member, if I am not careful, my time can be consumed in meetings where my presence is not really needed. In 2009, I want to spend more time engaged in ministry action.
4. Criticize less and encourage more. Maybe it’s the after effect of an election year or maybe it is a side effect of the recession, but I have heard enough criticism in 2008 to taste its toxicity. While constructive criticism may be of great value, negative and petty criticism tends to be contagious and demoralizing. Our local and national leaders, our ministers, our colleagues and our neighbors need our prayers and encouragement more than they need darts of criticism flying their way.
5. Spend less and save more. As I experience the challenges of the current recession, and as I think about retirement possibilities down the road, I am persuaded that I need to spend a little less this year on frivolous things and to put a little more in savings to provide stability for the future.
As I prepare to ring in the New Year, there some things I need to do a little less often and others I need to do a little more frequently. How about you?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I Am Grateful for the Role You Play
Last week one of our energetic nephews, Jacob, was in the Christmas play at his school. He was excited about his role. Parents and grandparents were in attendance with videocameras in hand. When they reported to Aunt Amanda and Uncle Barry about the good job Jacob did, I asked, “What part did he play?” I was surprised when they answered, “He was the donkey that Mary rode into
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Tale of Two Attitudes
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way. –Charles Dickens
Your faith and your attitude can determine whether you view your challenging times with pessimism, hopelessness, and despair, or whether you muster your courage and confront your challenges with perseverance, determination, and resilience.
On the next two Sundays, December 21 and 28, we will begin Bible Study at
Christmas is a great time to invite a friend or neighbor to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study.
Dec 21
Dec 24
Dec 28
10:00 a.m. Worship in Chipley Hall
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum
Surrounded by colorful seasonal décor, we will sing the carols of the season and we will focus on the importance of Marching to a Different Drummer from Romans 12:1-2. Then on Sunday evening, we will gather at six o’clock for In Excelsis Deo presented by our Festival Chorus and Orchestra.
Speaking of décor, for many years we have enjoyed an outdoor nativity scene on the southern front lawn, a scene provided by Elliott and Frances Dobelstein in memory of their son, Wayne. We are grateful that the Dobelsteins have provided a new indoor nativity scene in memory of Wayne, a crèche symbolizing the hope, love, peace and joy of the season, now on display in the atrium window of the ROC.
By the way, this week, in addition to our tithe, Amanda and I are writing our check for our annual Christmas Offering for Global Missions. We invite you to join us as we prayerfully and financially support those who serve as missionaries around the world.
Advent is an opportune time for spiritual reflection and spiritual commitment. After each worship service, counselors and ministers are available to speak with persons who are making commitments regarding faith in Christ and membership in the church. And as we prepare to embrace the opportunities of a new year, we encourage every member of our church family to take a spiritual gifts inventory, either online or on paper, and to connect with a ministry team that most closely matches your spiritual gifts and your personal passion.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Marching to a Different Drummer

The second text, which I readily confess does not typically invoke Yuletide emotion, is Romans 12:2 which boldly challenges believers to live out our faith with subversive authenticity: Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (NIV).
Treasures construed to be the contemporary equivalent of gold, incense, and myrrh are not the only gifts you can present in honor of Jesus. As you embark upon your Advent journey, perhaps you might also consider offering something that cost you a little more of your self, a contribution from your own lode of talent or giftedness.
Do you recall the legend behind the musical story of “The Little Drummer Boy,” the song about a boy who gave of his meager talent by playing the drum for the Christ child? Introduced in the U.S. in the 1950’s, this memorable holiday carol made popular by Bing Crosby, was actually based on a Czech tune, “Carol of the Drum,” composed by Katherine K. Davis in 1941 and later recorded by the famed Von Trapp Family Singers in Austria. The more familiar “drummer boy” version details the fictional but meaningful tale of a young boy who approached the manger with nothing to offer but his drum. However, as the boy began to play his drum, his unique gift brought a smile to the face of the infant.
Throughout this holiday season a variety of colorful and thematic decorations will adorn many of our church campuses, iconic symbols such as a Christmas tree, an Advent wreath, or a manger crèche. Peculiar in the décor of the church I serve is a drum tree which is constructed annually in our church atrium. Vick Vickery, our veteran Scoutmaster, assembles this drum tree each year out of 34 percussion instruments from different eras in history. Included in this menagerie are replicas of the rope drum used in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Historically, these instruments were crucial for conveying instructions and maintaining morale, for in the days prior to advanced telecommunication, soldiers were trained to listen carefully for strategic commands encoded in the resounding beat of the drummer.
Now, stacked and configured in the form of a Christmas tree, our drum tree serves as a holiday reminder that God calls us to march to the beat of a different drummer, receiving our formative cues and motivation from the teachings and lifestyle of Jesus. While the default values of our culture may prompt us to spend irresponsibly, to consume disproportionately, and to hurry frantically, our faith calls us to march to the rhythm and cadence of a different percussionist, to be cheerful in giving, gracious in receiving, and intentional in living.
During this festive season of the year, believers of all ages are invited to invest our best spiritual gifts and our prime tangible gifts in ways that express our allegiance and alignment with the One born in Bethlehem.
(Dr. Barry Howard serves as Senior Minister at the First Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida.)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Celebrate with Grace and Gratitude
As you plan your Thanksgiving schedule, I pray that you and your family will enjoy a fun and memorable gathering with renewing your appreciation for all of God’s blessings.
If you are staying in town this week, consider participating in our Community Thanksgiving Service at Christ Church on Wednesday evening at six o’clock.
From the inspired words of Holy Scripture to the treasured verses of classical and contemporary authors, much has been written about the experience of gratitude. The following verses are among those I continue to treasure:
Let us come before him with thanksgiving.
- Psalm 95:2
Count your many blessings, name them one by one; and it will surprise you what the Lord has done. -Johnson Oatman Jr.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; be thankful to him and bless his name. - Psalm 100:4
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
- II Corinthians 9:15
We thank Thee that Thou hast placed us in the world to subdue all things to Thy glory, and to use all things for the good of Thy children. -Edward Everett Hale
Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all. - William Faulkner
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire’. - Hebrews 12:28
At Thanksgiving, may our feasts and our festivities remind us of our blessings and encourage us to live our days growing in grace and gratitude.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study, and as we begin our Advent series, Marching to a Different Drummer.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Understanding Gospel Math
All during November we are trying to better understand gospel math. In our current sermon series, Quantum Faith, we have tackled perplexing questions: How can the least be the greatest? How can two become one? Why does God have greater expectations from those who have been given greater gifts?
This Sunday we will try our hand at “Calculating 70 X 7” as we focus on the healing experience called forgiveness. At the beginning of the Midmorning service we will celebrate baptism.
Don’t forget that our Community Thanksgiving Service at Christ Church begins at 6 o’clock next Wednesday November 26. There will be no services or activities scheduled on our campus for that evening.
This year Advent begins on November 30, the Sunday following Thanksgiving. On that Sunday morning we begin the lighting of the Advent candles, seasonal music, and our Advent sermons, all surrounding the theme, Marching to a Different Drummer. On that Sunday evening, we will meet in Chipley Hall at 6:00 for Deacon Ordination.
As we fulfill our vision to mobilize for ministry and match spiritual gifts to ministry tasks, check out the new online spiritual gifts link on our church web site. Take time to prayerfully assess your spiritual gifts and your personal passion as you commit to serve on a ministry team in the days ahead.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tough Lessons for Tough Times
Tough Lessons for Tough Times
A few months ago a couple of the savvy business owners in our church indicated to me their concern that we were overdue a severe market correction. In other words the bull would become a bear, and probably persists as a fairly wimpy bear for while.
Now it is becoming apparent to many of us that we are not just experiencing a market correction, but we are at the uncomfortable beginning of a culture correction. While much of our discomfort is caused by the symptoms… market volatility, unemployment, personal and corporate budget reductions…at some point we must deal with the root of the problem. Dr. Vance Havner once asked, “What good is it to keep tearing down the web if you’re going to do nothing about the spider.”
My pastoral observations are somewhat naïve and certainly lack the expertise of an economist or a sociologist, but from where I sit, the following concerns seem conspicuously obvious:
1. Many have adopted unattainable or unsustainable standard of living goals, goals that are often incongruent with an individual’s faith, values, and productivity.
2. Many are experiencing great distress and anxiety as a result of the quest to achieve their desirable standard of living by utilizing excessive credit transactions. This personal crunch disrupts families and ultimately contributes to the overall corporate crisis.
3. Many feel trapped and hopeless in their personal financial dilemma or in their current business venture or vocation, with little or no hope for the future.
For further thought and reflection, I propose that a quick return to market normalcy, continued access to easy credit, and continued lifestyles of accumulation and acquisition, factors that might relieve the tension of the moment, actually only postpone the inevitable. We must adopt life goals and management strategies that enable us to live life with meaning and purpose, and embrace a way of life that minimizes anxiety, elevates passion, and enhances relationships.
As a follower of Jesus and a Christian pastor, the teachings of the Bible and the initiatives of Christ are constantly re-formatting my lifestyle, calling me to leave behind the errant ways of my past so that I might live more authentically, more passionately, and more faithfully. As I reflect on the tough times many of us are experiencing, I invite you to think with me about the life-changing lessons we can learn in tough times. For starters, consider some of the following suggestions asking whether they may be applicable to your life situation:
•Seize the current season of adversity as an opportunity to upgrade the way you approach life, order your priorities, and live out your faith.
•Base your sense of self-worth and your self-esteem on the love and uniqueness that God has given you, not on your status or your “net worth.”
•Adopt a lifestyle of “living within your means,” avoiding unnecessary credit, and making informed purchasing and investing decisions.
•Teach your children to make life decisions based on faith and values, not by subscribing to default cultural trends.
•Be prepared to assist with vocational networking or engage in vocational transitioning and re-training.
•With a non-partisan disposition, pray for the current and future leaders of our community, our state, and our nation that they may act with extraordinary wisdom and discernment.
•Invest your gifts and passions in proactive service in the church and in the community, always toward the greater good of the whole body.
•Share from your blessings with others who may have greater needs and a lesser portion.
•In seasons of prosperity and seasons of adversity, honor God with all of your assets….your tithe, your time, and your talent.
•Practice the biblical principles of Sabbath, ceasing periodically from industry and anxiety to rest and worship, and jubilee, releasing your grip on property in order to rotate, revitalize, and restore.
This season of economic adversity could be remembered as the toughest time since The Great Depression. But out of that depression came those Tom Brokaw has described as “the greatest generation.” Perhaps God could teach us a few life-changing lessons during these tough times that will shape us into more responsible citizens, more respectable parents, more competent leaders, more productive workers, and more effective servants than we’ve ever been before.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Striving for Last Place
As you faithfully follow Jesus you will develop a passion to serve God by serving others. In Mark 10:22-31 after Jesus' encounter with the young and wealthy businessman, Jesus debriefs his disciples on the costs required to follow him.
What do we learn from Jesus about serving in Mark 10:22-31?
• Those who “have it all” will find it difficult, but not impossible, to embrace the kingdom lifestyle.
• Nothing is impossible with God.
• You will be called on to make tough sacrifices.
• “The first will be last and the last will be first.”
How can we best serve God with the gifts and passions emerging in our congregation?
• Clarify our mission.
- Our mission is to share love and grace with those who are disconnected with God and the church.
- Stake our claim on 32501 and the surrounding community as our primary mission field.
- Claim the global community is our secondary mission field.
• Mobilize for ministry.
- Spend more time ministering than meeting.
• Upgrade our model.
- Re-format our model of organization.
~ Leadership
~ Discipleship
~ Service
• Match gifts to tasks.
- Discover and nurture the spiritual gifts of the congregation.
- Match spiritual gifts to ministry assignments.
• Mentor the next generation.
- Establish cross-generational partnerships.
Where do I begin?
• Commit to radically follow Jesus in your daily routine.
• Cultivate your spiritual gift(s).
• Connect with a ministry project or ministry team.
Would you take your God-given passion and use it for a God-honoring purpose?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Where Do You Go For Help?
Or maybe you were assembling that new toy you bought as a gift for one of your children, and after trying to figure it out on your own, you broke down and read the instructions.
Or maybe, you were trying to navigate a new program on your computer and after a few hours of fruitless frustration, you finally hit the “help” button on the upper right section of your toolbar for assistance.
Or maybe, your problems are a little more serious. Perhaps you have tried to determine how to stay afloat during a season of economic adversity. Perhaps you are trying to keep your marriage together during a season of mounting distress. Perhaps you are trying to stabilize your business in a season when many are operating in a deficit. Perhaps you are trying to find a sense of peace after wrestling with an excessive load of guilt, grief or anxiety. Perhaps you are trying to revitalize your walk with God after a season of spiritual dormancy.
When you are in trouble, where do you go for help? Psalm 46 begins with these words of affirmation: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” This Sunday, as we continue our series, The Music of the Spheres, we will explore Psalm 46 as we talk about how God wants to be your helper in times of adversity.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study. Be encouraged to invite a friend or neighbor who needs to hear a positive word from the Lord to join you this week.
Monday, October 13, 2008
"Footloose with the Lord of the Dance"
"Footloose with the Lord of the Dance"
Psalm 30
God wants to put a new dance in your step and a new song in your heart.
8-10 I called out to you, God; I laid my case before you: "Can you sell me for a profit when I'm dead? auction me off at a cemetery yard sale? When I'm 'dust to dust' my songs and stories of you won't sell. So listen! and be kind! Help me out of this!" 11-12 You did it: you changed wild lament into whirling dance; You ripped off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers. I'm about to burst with song; I can't keep quiet about you. God, my God, I can't thank you enough.
Psalm 30:8-12 The Message
*You can state your case before God with candid honesty.
*Only God can make you footloose from your past.
*God wants to choreograph your steps as you dance to a new tune.
As a Christian, God doesn’t want your life to follow “the same old song and dance.” God wants to teach you a new step and a new tune through which to celebrate and share God’s love and grace.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Just in Case You Missed It
Just in case you have missed one of the Midweek or Sunday worship gatherings, or you haven’t read The Builder word for word, here are a few excerpts from recent weeks:
The way I see it, most of us are at our best doing “hands-on” ministry. If as a people of God we are much better at doing ministry than talking about doing ministry, why do we invest so much time doing the latter?
One good way to honor God is by faithfully managing and wisely investing all of the assets and resources that God places in our care.
Procrastination, lethargy, and laziness develop when we don’t take ourselves and our responsibilities seriously enough. Stress, anxiety, and depression develop when we take ourselves and our responsibilities too seriously.
In a world where faith and science are all too often portrayed as adversaries rather than partners, we need to be reminded that the natural universe joins the biblical revelation in singing the chorus of God’s greatness.
Be careful…most every generation wants to change a few things passed along from their parent’s generation but then for some strange reason they want the process of change to stop with them.
One thing we learn about stewardship from the Old Testament is that God is never pleased with re-heated sacrifices and recycled offerings.
Getting in tune with God will refresh and refocus your life.
If God is the great artist working on a masterpiece, think of your life and think of our church as God’s canvas, and remember that God’s paintbrush is still wet.
Here’s a preview of what you will hear this Sunday when we talk about being “Footloose with the Lord of the Dance” from Psalm 30:
God expects more from us than “the same old song and dance,” day after day and week after week.
God wants to teach us a new step and a new tune through which to celebrate and communicate God’s love and grace.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study. Don’t miss it for the world!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ministry of the Cup
One of the great resources in the new Paul Royal Recreation and Outreach Center is First Cup, our own First Baptist café. As the vision for the ROC came together, we dreamed of a gathering space where church and community would come together, a Wi-Fi hot spot for internet access and a social and spiritual hot spot for building relationships and conversing about life and faith.
First Cup will have a new look as we upgrade our product and our opportunity by partnering with a new supplier. Beginning Sunday, October 5, we will introduce The Drowsy Poet at First Cup. As a respected mission-oriented coffee shop on Brent Lane, The Drowsy Poet purchases coffee beans directly from mission partners in Central America, roasts the beans in Pensacola, and reinvests a portion of the proceeds of all coffee products back to the mission field. This new partnership will enable us to provide a fresher product, develop a creative missions connection, and broaden our visibility in the community.
Recently, I read Three Cups of Tea, the best-selling, soul-stirring book about the humanitarian work of Greg Mortenson. The title of the book is based on the hospitality customs related to business transactions in some parts of the Middle East. Haji Ali, a village chief in the Karakoram Mountains of Pakistan says that, “We drink three cups of tea to do business; the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third, you join our family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything—even die.”
What can I do to get involved in the ministry of the cup?
*Meet a friend or neighbor at First Cup.
*Tell your colleagues and classmates about First Cup.
*Purchase a gift card from First Cup.
*Share a cup of coffee or a bottle of water from First Cup with “the least of these” in our community.
*Plan a meeting of your small group or business at First Cup.
*Commit to bring a new acquaintance for three cups at First Cup as you prepare them to join our family.
All ages can participate in the ministry of the cup. As we claim First Cup as a space for making new connections and re-affirming old ones, who will you meet for three cups…of coffee, tea, juice, latte, cappuccino, or smoothie?
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study.
Friday, August 29, 2008
When It Comes to Storms....Be Prepared!
When you see storms that could potentially hit our area lined up in the Atlantic, the Caribbean, or the Gulf, it's a reminder to be prepared. Preparation is better than panic. Panic is when you become so obsessed with anxiety about a potential storm that you fail to prepare and unnecessarily interrupt your plans and responsibilities. Storms should not create fear but a healthy sense of respect about the powerful force of nature.
The best course to follow when confronted with the possibility of an oncoming storm is to be prepared. Stock up on items such as non-perishable foods, batteries, and drinking water. Keep your automobile fueled up. Have a sufficient amount of cash on hand. And if you have a generator, have it on standby with fuel safely stored, in the event it is needed.
Good preparation might encourage you to develop a contingency plan. For example, if you live in area where you might be called on to evacuate in the event of a serious storm, have a plan in place so that you are ready to activate the plan if necessary. A good contingency plan might enable to continue with your normal routine with a greater sense of peace and comfort knowing that you are well-prepared for any weather scenario that emerges.
While we should take potential storms seriously, we do not have to be overcome by storm anxiety. Many potential storms do not develop into their full forecast strength or follow their anticipated paths. Forecasts tend to become more accurate as the storm gets closer.
At our church, we will always try to put the safety of our members and our community above our need to fulfill our weekly schedule. When there is a need to adjust our schedule or cancel an event, we will send out e-mail notices, make necessary phone calls, post the change on our web site, and communicate the schedule change through local radio and television networks.
When it comes to storms, don't panic. Be prepared!
Remember Our Church ROCKS!
This Sunday we begin a new series which will continue throughout September and highlight the ROCKS, or foundational pillars, upon which we are planning our ministry. Our goal and our prayer is that all of our ministries and activities enable us to build on these five ROCKS:
Recreation: recreating a right spirit and a right body
Outreach: accenting an open invitation to those who are disconnected
Commitment: making our faith and participation a priority
Knowledge: getting better acquainted with God and ourselves through the teachings of the Bible
Stewardship: being wise managers of all of the resources God has placed in our care
Fall is a great time to connect with a disconnected friend, inviting them to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study.
Friday, July 04, 2008
A Prayer for Independence Day 2008
Even as we count the many wonderful blessings we inherit by living in this great land, we also sense that we live in times of heightened concern and anxiety. Our nation is engaged in a multi-national military conflict. Our economy is struggling. And we are approaching a crucial election wherein we will choose our next president.
These concerns remind us of our need to confess our sins, personally and collectively, and to embrace your plan for living life with purpose and integrity.
We confess that we have too often taken our freedom for granted and we have too frequently been negligent in our citizenship.
We confess that at times we are too quick to criticize naively and too slow to intercede prayerfully.
We confess that our self-interests have too often taken priority over the best interest you have in mind for our nation and for our world.
We confess that we have been irresponsible in our stewardship of health and wealth, often consuming and storing compulsively without conscious regard for sharing generously and investing wisely.
We confess that we have too often trusted in our own initiatives and ingenuity more than we have trusted in you.
You tell us in time-tested scripture that, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)
Therefore, as we prepare to celebrate this Independence Day, we ask you to forgive our sin and heal our land.
On this day, we pray for the leaders of our nation, our state, and our community that they will lead with wisdom and discernment.
We pray for our upcoming election that we will cast our votes with conviction, and that we will choose leaders who will guide our nation with moral and ethical courage.
We pray for the men and women who serve in our nation’s military that they will fulfill their mission safely and return home soon.
We pray for our enemies that their swords, as well as ours, will be “turned into plowshares.”
We pray for the churches, cathedrals, and temples of our nation and our community that we will be lighthouses of grace and mercy, ever pressing toward the mark of our high calling.
Because you are the freedom-loving and grace-giving God, lead us to exercise our freedom responsibly and to pursue “liberty and justice for all” of your children around the globe.
We pray in the strong name of the One who came to set us free. Amen.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sit Tight! Travel Light! Give Right!
As we continue to Catch a Wave during the summer months, I invite and urge you to sit tight, travel light, and give right.
Sit tight! During the weeks following Vacation Bible School, our Chapel Choir will be on tour, mission teams will be away on mission trips, and families will be traveling on vacation. That means fewer people will be present in worship on those Sundays. You can help foster a warm and welcoming atmosphere in worship by being present every Sunday that you are in town, and by sitting closely together as church family during our worship gatherings. When guests enter our worship areas, whether Chipley Hall or the sanctuary, our personal welcome and our proximity to each other both communicate something to our guests about our growing faith and friendship.
Travel light! These are tough and challenging times. Our nation is still engaged in a military conflict. This is a crucial election year. And we are in an economic recession. All of these factors and more puts a strain on our budgets, extra stress on our relationships, and seriously tests our faith commitments. If you are over weighted with burdens, you will lose your focus and your joy. During seasons like this we learn qualities of patience and perseverance, and we learn the importance of taking our burdens to the Lord. Travel light!
Give right! Speaking of the recession; businesses, industries, governments, schools, and churches are all being adversely affected by the downward economic trends. Gifts to churches and nonprofits are down between 15-20% nationwide. However, we believe that if God’s people honor God by giving their tithes, the first 10% of their earnings, to the storehouse, then God will bless and multiply our gifts. As we put proactive Christian stewardship principles into practice in every area of our lives, God will guide our families and our church through the challenging economic maze of this recession.
This Sunday we move from our focus on Outrigger Island to a message about Survivor: Shipwreck Island from Acts 27:27-44.
Summer is a great time to Catch a Wave by inviting a neighbor to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study.
Catch A Wave on Outrigger Island
As I shared last Sunday, we want students of all ages to learn these five waves of truth:
Wave 1: God Is Real
Wave 2: Jesus Is God’s Son
Wave 3: Jesus Is the Only Way
Wave 4: The Bible Is God’s Word
Wave 5: My Actions Show What I Believe
All summer long we are challenged to Catch a Wave as waves of opportunities and waves of blessings keep rolling our way. In weekly worship experiences, mission and ministry projects, and seasonal recreational activities, there are many places for you to get in on the action.
Also, this week we welcomed our new Ministry Resident, Paul Hood-Patterson, and his wife, Dawn. Paul will be serving on our staff team for two years as he gains valuable experience in a variety of ministry areas. We are honored to have been chosen by the Lily Endowment to serve as a teaching congregation for new ministers.
There’s a welcomed spiritual breeze moving within our First Baptist Family. Surf’s up! Are you ready to Catch a Wave?
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Summer Faith, Summer Fun
In the spirit of Outrigger Island, you are invited to join our staff and our VBS leaders in wearing island attire or island colors to worship and Bible study. I plan to wear a colorful Aloha shirt and khakis in each of our worship services.
Remember that we have community and faith-building events and concerts scheduled on Sunday evenings during the summer. On two or three Sunday evenings we have intentionally scheduled no activities on campus so that you can spend quality time with family and neighbors nurturing relationships.
This Sunday evening we meet at 7:00 o’clock in the sanctuary for the home concert of our Chapel Choir as we prepare to send them on Europe Tour 2008. After the concert we will gather for a church-wide fellowship in Chipley Hall.
On Wednesday nights during the summer, we are “Growing in Wisdom” as we focus on the Proverbs. We are covering an intriguing list of topics on Wednesdays this month:
June 4 Only Your Hairdresser Knows for Sure Proverbs 16:31
June 11 Kissed by the Enemy, Wounded by a Friend Proverbs 27:6
June 18 VBS Family Night
June 25 Red-Hot Sins Proverbs 29:22
Summer is a great time to invite a friend or new neighbor to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study.
Worship This Summer, Wherever You Are
As we begin the summer of 2008, I hope you will make a firm commitment to participate in worship every week whether you are at home or on the road. Of course, I hope that you will be an active participant in worship at First Baptist every Sunday that you are in town. But when you are on the road, there are many ways to participate in worship.
When Amanda and I were away for a few days of vacation last month, we enjoyed attending a Community Worship Service on the Beach. Our vacation experience was more positive because we gathered with about 400 persons from several states and a variety of faith backgrounds for worship.
We are planning for a great summer of services and activities at First Baptist, but I hope you and your family get a refreshing break at some point during the summer. When you are on the road, whether visiting friends or going on a vacation, seize the opportunity to participate in services of worship wherever you travel.
There are many different options for participating in worship while on the road:
- Attend another church.
- Attend a campground service.
- Attend a beach service.
- Attend a chapel service at your resort.
- Tune in to a worship service on the radio, television, or internet.
- Plan a worship service for your own family at your vacation spot.
- Join in worship through “live streaming” or web-based simulcast. (We hope this option is available through our church web site soon.)
Participating in worship while on the road can enrich both your trip and strengthen your personal faith. Skipping worship just because you’re on vacation or a business trip can rob you of meeting new friends and meeting God in new places.
On those weekends you are traveling this summer, I urge you to participate in worship wherever you travel, and bring a worship bulletin back to me or our staff so we can And on all of those other weekends when you are home, we will look forward to great experiences in worship here at First Baptist.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Introduction to the New Testament: Application and Interpretation
1. Read and interpret the Bible in light of the Jesus Christ.
2. Read a variety of translations, comparatively.
3. Give appropriate attention to literary genre.
4. Observe the progressive revelation we are given in scripture and in life.
5. Begin discerning between descriptive and prescriptive texts.
6. Avoid “prooftexting.”
7. Appreciate the importance of word studies, historical chronology, and biblical geography.
8. Discern the texts that are for local application and the texts that are for universal application.
9. Live by the light you are given and more light will come.
10. Respect the insights and opinions of others.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Dollars and Sense: God's Economic Plan for All Seasons
In recent weeks on Wednesday evenings, I have been sharing a series of life application messages about Ethics for the 21st Century. This past Wednesday evening, we focused on Dollars and Sense: God’s Economic Plan for All Seasons. Although economic trends in Florida were adversely affected by the sequential series of devastating storms in 2004-2005, the negative trends in Florida have been compounded by nationwide trends indicating higher unemployment, a depressed housing market, and higher fuel costs. Recession conditions exist in Florida and around the nation. And although we do not know how long the recession conditions will last, we do know that God’s economic guidelines are good for all seasons, including seasons of feasting and seasons of famine.
God’s plan for economics begins by calling us to a positive and proactive attitude toward working, managing, and giving. The prophet Malachi probably has the most emphatic words to say about giving: Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it Malachi 3:8-10 NIV0.
In his book, Full Disclosure: Everything the Bible Says about Financial Giving, Dave Bell writes that "Stewardship is not just an opportunity to enter into God's service but an opportunity for God to enter into you.” I believe that for those who dare to practice biblical stewardship, giving becomes a fun part of our management responsibility. Paul gives us a vivid description of a believer’s attitude toward God’s economic plan when he writes, Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver ( II Corinthians 9:7 NIV).
Herb Mather, author of Don’t Shoot the Horse (Until You Know How to Drive the Tractor), contends that "The vertical relationship to God and the horizontal relationship to neighbor come together in the act of giving.” In other words, that cheerful spirit of managing and appropriating our resources for kingdom purposes cultivates within us a passion for mission and ministry.
Here is a brief summary of the life application points we discussed last Wednesday evening:
*Understand that all resources are a trust from God.
*Prioritize your tithes and offerings.
*Do your work with integrity.
*Provide for your family through a carefully managed budget.
*Be ethical and honest in all transactions.
*Limit credit liability and strive to eliminate debt.
*Invest in the future through a savings plan.
As you put God’s economic plan into practice, you may discover that plan provides spiritual and tangible stability for all seasons.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Clyde Bizzell: A Man Who Walked Humbly with God
In contrasting the personalities of Pleitz, Bizzell, and Royal, it has come to mind that I never saw Clyde get mad, never saw him lift anything much heavier than the pocket notebook he carried around to write visitors names... yet he was one of the strongest men I ever knew. - Barry Royal
One of the things I admired about Clyde was that he had absolutely no agenda of his own. His sole and only concern was the will of the Lord. Everyone had a good laugh when he locked his keys in his car in the church parking lot with the engine running. He was a man who truly walked humbly with God. - T. A. Shell
Clyde was the person who seemed to know everyone at FBCP and know what was going on any and all the time. He and Dr. Pleitz were the first people to our house when my father died. Clyde helped me to work through what I wanted to study in seminary and was very instrumental in helping me to get to my first place of service after seminary, First Baptist Church in Crestview, Florida. – Don Minton
Clyde was the real rock. He was the stabilizer. He made the church run smoothly. He knew every person and he knew every event and what was needed and he knew every nook and cranny of the church. He could recite the calendar for weeks to come and enhanced the churches' effectiveness beyond measure. All preachers should be so fortunate as ours was in having a "Clyde." - Toni Clevenger
Clyde Bizzell was a dedicated Christian minister with a heart for people. He served with an unselfish spirit and an humble demeanor. His ministry reminded us of the Lord Jesus that he served. -Alton Butler
Clyde was one of the most dedicated, genuine and hard working servants on this earth, but his office (or cubby as it was) was the most organized mess you’d ever seen. Clyde was the stabilizing factor always maintaining order and could pinch-hit to fill any need at FBC (except singing we didn’t let him sing). The FBC doors were never opened without Clyde’s presence and the only vacations he had were church trips for the most part. - Scott Bell
Clyde Bizzell was truly a servant. Even though I was only in middle school when he left Pensacola for Park Cities he had a profound impact on my life and ministry. When I was a student at Southern and he was in Louisville visiting his sister we would get together for a meal and fellowship. My first day on the job at FBC, Hartwell, GA -- I got a phone call and heard that distinctive voice, "Charlie, my friend, best wishes to you on your new ministry." I don't think I am the only FBCP crew that went into the ministry that got letters, calls, and encouragement from Bro. Clyde. He was a Modern Day Barnabas. The naming of the Pleitz Chapel is appropriate as well as the ROC bearing Paul Royal's name, however the "naming rights" for Clyde Bizzell at FBCP are imprinted in the lives and hearts of all those he touched with Christ's love. - Charlie Wilson
In September 1977 I was elected Chairman of Deacons at FBC. A few days later Dr. Pleitz announced that he was accepting the pastorate at Park Cities in Dallas. Needless to say I was overwhelmed with the thought of him leaving and the responsibilities I had as Chairman. I was looking forward to working under his leadership the year I was Chairman. This was not to be. I believe God places individuals in our paths at just the right time to lead and guide us as we work for Him. Clyde Bizzell was that man for me. Clyde became my mentor that year as we planned and led FBC in a year without a Pastor. We decided that we would not recommend an Interim, but would hear the great preachers in the SBC that year. Clyde knew most of them personally or knew about them. He arranged for them to be here from Sunday to Sunday. Clyde and I met each evening after I got off work and discussed and planned the work of the Church. Although we missed Dr Pleitz and his leadership we were able to make progress. I don 't know how I would have functioned as Chairman without the friendship and assistance of Clyde Bizzell. I also remember that Clyde loved banna pudding. Many ladies in the Church knew that and would bring him a bowl. When he finished he would return the empty bowl with a lb of banna's and a box of vanilla wafers. The implication was clear: "that was good, make me another one." Clyde was a gaint of a man and will be missed. I thank God for the memories. - Charles Griffin
Clyde was a great example of one who worked tirelessly to follow God's calling in his life while at the same time being an example of what it means to truly live life abundantly. Very few have influenced my life as he did. I thank God for Clyde and for his great Godly example. - Nix Daniel
I was a “young” person during Mr. Bizzell’s ministry here at FBCP. As I look back on that time what I can say about Mr. Bizzell’s ministry is he was the absolute best #2 man any Pastor or church could have. Dr. Pleitz and Mr. Royal were the faces of our church and congregation and Mr. Bizzell was the guy that held everything together and put feet too many of the visions that those two had. He was the quite behind the scenes guy making it happen and was very comfortable in his role. - Kemp Wilson
My memory has lost most of the past, and I am having trouble with the present. The Deacon’s did not have a rotation system at that time. I was on the Building and Grounds committee and spent much time with Clyde on everything from dust on the pews to Sanctuary temperature. The war was over, the community was growing and so was F.B.C.P. Our staff was small and so many of the tasks were handled by church volunteers. We had no position called “Minister”, except the Pastor. Dr. Nathan Brooks was now our Pastor. The membership was growing. Dr. Brooks knew a young man at a church in Louisiana that could be a good fit for F.B.C.P. Clyde came to serve as Director of Education. (I do not think that he ever saw the last 2 pages of the description of his job, he just did it.) As the church attendance and membership grew, so did the responsibilities of Clyde. He was very adequate for everything He was asked to do. With the arrival of Dr. Pleitz and Paul Royal, the three of them made the All-Star team of Church Ministers. - Joe Ladner
It gives me pause again to celebrate Clyde Bizzell’s wonderful life of service and friendship to so many, of which I am just one grateful heart. I recall so fondly how faithful he was as a partner at Park Cities when I first arrived, prior to his retirement after a few years. He knew all the secret stories, all the best restaurants, and all the ways to get things done in that church. But his imprint is large at FBC Pensacola, of course, and I know that he remembered those years with Dr. Pleitz as some of his favorite years in ministry. - Allen Walworth
Mr. Bizzell was the consummate servant of Christ. He embodied the concept of "servant leadership" long before it became popular. He modeled for us all how a minister should stake his claim of God's love on a person in need. And, what a generous man! How many of us were treated to a meal at the Boarding House by Clyde Bizzell? God has called one of his most dedicated saints home. - Charlie Johnson
Bizzell was my right hand. From day one he was indispensable to my work in Pensacola. I felt something was missing in my ministry in Dallas until I persuaded him to move. Everywhere he served, the people loved Clyde dearly. What a man! What a friend! - Jim Pleitz
Friday, April 04, 2008
The Birds and Bees of the 21st Century
Tonight we are discussing bioethics and genetics under the topic "The Birds and Bees of the 21st Century." Let's begin by considering a text from Genesis 1:26-30 as translated in The Message God spoke: "Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth." God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God's nature. He created them male and female. God blessed them: "Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth." Then God said, "I've given you every sort of seed-bearing plant on Earth And every kind of fruit-bearing tree, given them to you for food. To all animals and all birds, everything that moves and breathes, I give whatever grows out of the ground for food." And there it was.
What are the ethical issues related to procreation and genetics?
1. Gene Therapy: Inserting corrected versions of defective genes to make them function properly.
2. Germline Therapy: Inserting corrected versions of defective genes into sperm or eggs so that these genetic modifications are passed on to one’s offspring.
3. In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF): A technique used to help infertile couples conceive. Sperm and eggs are mixed together in a Petri dish and the resulting embryo is implanted into the woman to complete development.
4. Sex Selection: Using techniques such as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to determine the sex of an embryo conceived via IVF. Only those embryos with the desired sex are implanted in the woman to complete development.
5. Designer Babies: Using PGD to determine the presence of absence of certain genes in embryos conceived via IVF. Only those embryos with the desired genes are implanted into the woman to complete development.
6. Sperm, Egg and Embryo Banking: Freezing donated eggs, sperm or fertilized embryos in liquid nitrogen for later use.
7. Nuclear Tranfer: Removing the nucleus from one egg and inserting it into another egg. This technology can be used to ‘rejuvenate’ older eggs or potentially to create fertilized embryos by fusing two nuclei together in a single egg without the need for a sperm.
8. Reproductive Cloning: A type of nuclear transfer, where the nucleus from a body cell is injected into an egg that has had its nucleus removed. This cell can then develop into an embryo and be implanted into the woman to complete development. Babies produced by this technology would be genetically identical to the person from whom the cell nucleus was taken.
9. Embryo cloning: Similar to reproductive cloning, but cells are extracted from the resulting embryo and used for research purposes. The embryo is not allowed to complete development.
10. Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy: Cells are extracted from cloned embryos and grown in culture in the lab to create a line of cells. These cells can then be injected into patients to cure disease by regenerating damaged cells, tissues or organs.
Who does it effect? Everyone of us. At some point in the not too distant future, many of these issues will effect our friends and our families.
What are the ethical considerations?
1. Creation of living cells (genes, cells, and tissues) vs creating a human life.
2. Curative vs consumerist.
3. Common good vs personal interests.
4. Spiritual vs secular
5. Personal autonomy vs corporate ownership.
As a community of faith, we are somewhat behind the curve in being prepared to deal with such issues. However, it is unthinkable that we leave this conversation to those in our world who have no faith-based frame of reference. Let's begin the conversation. Let's search the scriptures. Let's pray for spiritual discernment.
Reaching Those on the Far Side
On Sunday evening we will meet at six o’clock in the sanctuary as we continue our Introduction to the New Testament and zero in on the Pauline Correspondence. During our evening gathering, we will also celebrate the baptism of new believers and new members.
For the past several months we have been praying for God’s leadership as we have searched for a Minister of Students. On Wednesday, April 9, during our Midweek Worship Gathering, we will introduce our prospective Minister of Students and his spouse. You will hear a report from our interview team, a team composed of students and teachers from our middle school, high school, and college departments. Then some of our students will join me in interviewing the candidate. Afterward, we will vote on a recommendation to call this candidate to be our new Minister of Students. Continue to pray for God’s guidance as we prepare for these strategic moments of decision-making.
Join us as we gather for worship and Bible study this Sunday. You may discover nourishing Food for the Soul.
Monday, March 17, 2008
When God Calls, Will You Let It Go To Voicemail? Genesis 12:1-8
If you wish to provide a more personal or pleasant greeting for those who call when you are unavailable, you can set up a message of your choosing. You may opt to personally record a standard voicemail greeting, perhaps stating your name and pledging to return the call. Or, you may design a customized greeting that accents your creative genius or your unique personality.
I have discovered that some who are in my network of friends have visited web sites and selected a greeting from a list of stock messages. These messages can range in tone from humorous to silly. One popular message says, “Hi. I'm probably home. I'm just avoiding someone I don't like. Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you.” Another message is a little too blunt for me: “I'm unable to take your call now, so deal with it!” For those who are weary of telemarketers there’s a message that states, “Hello. You are talking to a machine. I am capable of receiving messages. My owners do not need siding, windows, or a hot tub, and their carpets are clean. They give to charity through the office and don't need their picture taken. If you're still with me, leave your name and number and they will get back to you.” Or, if you prefer a witty message, you might try, “This is you-know who. We are you-know-where. Leave your you-know-what you-know-when.”
The reason you need voicemail is because you will probably not be available to answer every phone call immediately. You might be prohibited from receiving calls while at work or in the classroom. You could be busy with chores at home. You could be in the middle of an important conversation with one friend, when your “call waiting” beep alerts you to another incoming call, and you are not in a position to end the first conversation in order to begin the second. Or, like many, you could use voicemail to screen your calls, determining who you want to talk to and when. Because I have “caller ID” on my cell phone and my home phone, I do not answer calls from “unknown callers,” “out of area,” or habitual grumblers.
What if you knew that God was calling you? What if you looked at the “caller ID” on the screen of your soul, and detected that God was calling? Would you answer, or would you let it go to voicemail?
In Genesis 12:1-8, we learn that Abram, who was later called Abraham, a resident of Ur, a city in southern Mesopotamia, now modern day Iraq, responded to the call of God and his life quite literally changed the world. And although it has been a few thousand years since God called Abraham, I believe that God is still calling men and women of all ages to particular vocations and locations to live and serve in sync with God’s purpose.
In fact, Abraham was seventy-five years old when he heard and responded to God’s call to change gears and head in a new direction. You are never too young or too old to notice that God is reformatting your inner compass. Studying the call of God in the lives of Bible personalities and observing the call of God in the lives of my contemporaries leads me to believe that God invites every person to take up a meaningful vocation and to live with a uniquely missional purpose.
Often I have been asked by others, “How can I recognize the call of God?” My usual response seems a little simplistic, but I believe it is accurate: “When God calls, you will know it,” I say with confidence. Because the call of God is deeply personal, I think we can overcomplicate the call of God by trying to explain it or defend it. God may call us in a still small voice heard only with the ears of an attentive soul. Or, God may call us with an emerging flame of passion that was described by one prophet as “a fire in my bones.” God may even call us through the voice of a friend or the endorsement of a congregation who affirms the gifts of God they observe in us. God seems to employ a unique way of calling each of us. Usually, our human struggle with spiritual direction does not result from missing the call but from ignoring it.
If your call resembles the summons given to Abraham, you may be asked to leave something or somebody important to fully answer God’s call. In Genesis 12:1, The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.” You may feel called to a professional career or to a ministry that requires you to relocate quite a distance from your family of origin. Or, you may be called to serve on a mission field or in a parish in an underserved region of the world. Most likely, you will be called upon to discard a few megapixels of your personal dreams in order to pursue your spiritual passion. At a minimum, when you respond to the call of God, you will need to be prepared to move outside your comfort zone.
Several years after God called Abraham, Jesus of Nazareth invited men and women from multiple vocations and backgrounds to follow him and become his students, referred to in the Bible as disciples. And Jesus didn’t sugarcoat the kind of commitment required to accept his invitation: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)
Does that mean that when God calls, I will need to become a priest or a pastor? Definitely not! In Genesis we learn that Abraham served God through his relationships, his travels, and his business transactions. Abraham’s management of his assets and his estate, including his employees, his flocks, his herds, and other possessions, became his primary arena for serving God. And though his conduct was not perfect (actually, at times it was conveniently deceitful), the overall narrative of his life gave birth to a new promise and a new kind of hope.
In the postmodern world, God is calling most persons of faith to claim their primary occupation as their spiritual vocation. Educators, accountants, physicians, and attorneys, just to name a few, are being called by God to demonstrate the adventuresome faith, the radical stewardship, and the extraordinary leadership that we learn from the God of Abraham. Therefore, God may grant you an opportunity to engage in unannounced and inconspicuous ministry within the context of your current or future career.
With that said, may I also encourage you to consider the possibility that God may be calling you to be a pastor or teacher or missionary? God may be calling you to a spiritual vocation that could become your primary occupation. When I was sixteen years old, I experienced a clear and defined sense of calling to Christian ministry. With a mixture of obedience and naïveté, I shared this sense of calling with my pastor and with my home church, and with their strong affirmation and blessing, I began preparing for my spiritual vocational to become my career. Now, thirty-one years later, I am living out the mystery and magnetism of that calling as I serve as the pastor of a local congregation. And a part of my joy is to journey alongside men and women of all ages who are experiencing a new awareness of the call of God.
Why does God call us to participate in the unfolding of God’s mission and the proclamation of God’s initiatives of love and grace? I am convinced that God does not call us to make us popular or wealthy, and I know firsthand that God does not call us because we know all of the right answers to life’s most perplexing questions. Perhaps, just as God called Abraham in order to make Abraham and his descendants a blessing to the world, God calls us intending for us to live proactive lives that bless the world.
Simply put, God is calling you because God intends to make you a blessing. God wants to bless the world through you by the way you live ethically. God wants to bless the world through you by the way you love unconditionally. God wants to bless the world through you by the way you communicate faith, hope, and grace in your conundrum of circumstances and through your concentric circles of relationships.
When God calls you, will you let God’s call go to voicemail? Or will you answer, and let God bless the world through your life?
Holy Week: A Time for Refocus and Reflection
Next week is Holy Week, the seven-day journey culminating on Easter Sunday. More than any other holiday, or holy day, Holy Week is an intentional season calling Christians to focus and reflect on the passion of Christ. During this week, I encourage you to join Christians around the world in re-visiting the biblical events and experiences leading up to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
Each day of Holy Week is important but at least four days call for intentional and insightful reflection. Palm Sunday is a day to recall the royal welcome and the chorus of praise extended to Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. Maundy Thursday commemorates the washing of disciples’ feet by Jesus as he gave them a new mandate to love and serve. Good Friday is a day to revisit the sacrifice and suffering of Christ on the cross. And Resurrection Sunday, or Easter, is a festive day to celebrate and proclaim that “Christ is risen; Christ is risen indeed.”
This year, as you journey through Holy Week, focus and reflect on the whole story of the experiences of Jesus. Take time to meditate on the actions of Jesus and the injustice of the cross. And on Easter Sunday, let us marvel again at the mystery of the resurrection.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Get Re-Connected!
This Sunday we will look at Genesis 3:1-7 and Romans 5:12-19 as we consider Re-Connecting with God by exploring questions pertaining to what it means to have a right relationship with God. What is “righteousness” in the Bible? How can a person who is subject to temptation and liable to sin live “righteously”? What does it mean to “get right with God”?
On Sunday evening we start a series on Introduction to the Old Testament. How was the Old Testament put together? What does the Old Testament reveal to us about God? Are we responsible for living according to all Levitical and Deuteronomic laws? During our study we will discuss the various literary types, the considerations for interpretation, and the relevancy of the Old Testament message. We will meet in Pleitz Chapel at six o’clock.
Have you visited First Cup, the new coffee shop in the ROC? First Cup is currently open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. It’s a great place to meet your friends and neighbors for coffee, latte, cappuccino, hot tea, a smoothie, and conversation.
As we grow in faith and friendship during 2008, we are encouraging each person in our First Baptist Family to connect by….
* Actively participating in worship and a Bible study
* Getting involved in a mission and a ministry.
* Bringing a tithe and an offering.
* Building a relationship with a friend and a stranger.
There’s no better time than now to get Re-Connected!
Friday, February 01, 2008
Pray It Up, Pay It Up, and Fill It Up!
The ROC is complete, but funding for this great facility is not yet complete. Now that this new addition to our campus is open for ministry, let us continue to bring generous and sacrificial financial gifts as we exercise faithful stewardship and complete the funding during the next few months.
In partnership with the ROC project, we are in the process of completing a mini-renovation project of the area formerly used by Student Ministries on the 3rd floor of the education building. This area will provide much needed additional space for Adult Bible study groups and for our Vietnamese Fellowship. The renovated space should be available in early February.
As we embrace the new opportunities for ministry provided by the ROC and all other spaces on our campus, let’s pray for it, pay for it, and fill it with people who need to experience the love of God.
By the way, we concluded our Winter Bible Study in Job by hearing Job’s confession to God that “I admit I once lived by rumors of you; I have it all firsthand—from my own eyes and ears! I'm sorry—forgive me. I'll never do that again, I promise! I'll never again live on crusts of hearsay, crumbs of rumor" (Job 42:5-6 TM).
Many of us could make the same confession, that we have lived more on hearsay and rumors about God than we have on biblical or experiential knowledge of God. In February, we begin a new and challenging series aimed at “Re-Connecting with God.” Each Sunday during this two month series we will consider a combination of Old and New Testament texts as we upgrade our knowledge of God and God’s purpose for us.
One really good way to broaden and upgrade our biblical knowledge is to take the 366 Challenge, a commitment to read all 69 books of the Bible in the 366 days of Leap Year. Although many in our FBC family started their reading plan on January 1, it is not too late for you to begin. You can start with today’s date and read through today’s date of next year. Planning guides to assist you in reading through the Bible are available through the church office and online at www.fbcp.org.
Two simple things will help us fill the space on our campus:
You commit to be a faithful participant in worship and Bible study.
You commit to bring a friend who doesn’t currently have a connection to a church or a personal walk with the Lord.
Together we can be a part of one of the greatest spiritual movements in the history of First Baptist Church.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Memories of Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant, 25 Years Later
Although he did not have a degree in the subject, Coach Bryant employed sound psychology in his coaching strategy. As he urged ordinary young men to become champions, Coach Bryant taught perseverance and endurance: Never quit. It is the easiest cop-out in the world. Set a goal and don't quit until you attain it. When you do attain it, set another goal, and don't quit until you reach it. Never quit.
Coach Bryant retired at the end of the 1982 season with a record of 323 wins, 85 losses and 17 ties. He died on January 26, 1983.
Coach Jet Rogers, now an active member in our church, served as an assistant coach on Coach Bryant’s staff at the University of Alabama from June 1966 through July 1971. I took the opportunity recently to ask Coach Rogers about his memories of Coach Bryant:
Question: When Coach Bryant stepped onto the field, he was respected by his players, the fans, and his opponents. How would you describe Coach Bryant off the field?
Coach Rogers: He was a business man, reserved. One-on-one he would listen to what I had to say, then try to give me good advice.
Coach was not critical of others and kept a positive attitude. He would not allow us to use the word “can’t.” Beginning on Thursday, he had on his “game face” through Saturday, and we coaches would steer clear of him.
Question: What was Coach Bryant’s attitude toward his players and staff members?
Coach Rogers: He believed we all were part of his family. He loved us!! He would worry a great deal about our traveling so much in automobiles as we recruited prospects. We truly felt he was like a father to us, because he pushed us to do more and to be better in every possible way.
Question: What are some of your most significant memories from working with Coach Bryant?
Coach Rogers: I learned a lot about life and sports.
WINNING: Coach had us believing that we were going to win, regardless of who we played.
HELPING: I needed some financial help and asked Coach Bryant to call the bank for me and set up a loan. He proceeded to give me a father-son talk and wrote me a personal check to meet the need. Also, one year, my wife and children were in a car wreck. Coach Bryant visited our daughter in the hospital and presented her a gift which thrilled her to death.
COMPASSION: My dad passed away right after the 1967 Sugar Bowl game. Following the funeral, we returned to Tuscaloosa, and Coach Bryant walked down the hall to my office. He closed the door and told me, “A man’s daddy is the most important person he has because when you’re down and out, maybe broke, or your wife is leaving you, or things get out of control, you can always go to your dad and ask for advice. He is the one person that will help you. Jet, I know how you feel, now with your dad gone. I want to be a father figure for you.” This meant so much to me.
Question: In recent weeks the ethics and sportsmanship of some athletes and coaches have been called into question. In your opinion, did Coach Bryant practice good ethics and sportsmanship?
Coach Rogers: Yes. Coach informed parents that he would lead and teach their sons the ethics and rules of the game. He also had his own rules---some were written down and the main one, in my thinking, was: “Don’t embarrass your family; don’t embarrass yourself, the coaching staff or the University.” Coach Bryant told his players if they got an unsportsmanship penalty, they would not play anymore in that game. Further, if the player blatantly caused a penalty, he would not play in the next game. This happened to one of our best defensive players in one game, prior to our game against Auburn. Consequently, he was taken from the game and disallowed to play Auburn.
Coach stressed “respect for self and respect for authority.” His players wore a coat and tie to all the games. Also, they were to be mindful of the fact that when their coach stood up to speak to them after finishing a meal together, everyone was to stop eating and “listen up.” We were at a Bowl game and Coach finished eating, stood up, and tapped his watch a couple of times, then faced the team. One player continued eating his meal, and Coach Bryant said to him, “I want you to get up from the table, go to your room, get your suitcase, and head back to Tuscaloosa.”
Question: Do you still have contact with some of the players who played for you and Coach Bryant?
Coach Rogers: Yes. While at Pensacola High School, I hired three former players: Alec Pittman, Steve Root, and Robin Cary. I have been in a position to help one or two Bama boys in their search for coaching jobs.
About two years ago (2006), the University of Alabama honored the 1966 football team. This team went undefeated, plus a Sugar Bowl win against Nebraska. This 1966 team is known as the team without a ring, because we were the only Division I team without a loss or a tie. We all were so excited to be together again, everybody was hugging each other’s necks! These ex-players were thanking us for helping them accomplish so much. We should have been thanking them. Players and coaches are family—Coach Bryant instilled this in us.
Question: Are there any players who stand out as having demonstrated exceptional character during or since their playing years?
Coach Rogers: I can think of many players. John Croyle, Leroy Jordan, Jeremiah Castille, Ray Perkins, Woodrow Lowe, Joe LaBue, and Eddie Morgan are a few I shall mention. Coach Bryant expected us to be of good character. In his words, “If you don’t have character, you better get it soon or you will be gone.”
Question: How would you want others to remember Coach Bryant?
Coach Rogers: I honestly believe that most all of the players under Coach Bryant loved, respected, and honored him. I certainly did. I still miss chatting with him over the phone after we moved away from Tuscaloosa. If you were not fortunate to have known Coach Bryant, please read about him. I have heard comments concerning Coach that are untrue. It really upsets me when I hear people say that he drank too much. I was in his company many times, and I never witnessed him drinking excessively. I don’t think he would exhibit poor judgment. He meant so much too many—more than anyone I have ever known. People need to know that he molded lives.
Question: How do you hope your players remember you?
Coach Rogers: I loved each of them and tried to give them Christian leadership. I tried to help mold their lives. Two of my players became ordained ministers. I attended a funeral in which an ex-player preached. He shared with me that I had a strong influence on him. I appreciated this more than if he had said I was a great coach. I hope each of these men remember me as a coach who respected them, cared for them, and gave them something to lead toward productive lifestyles.
Question: What advice would you give to young high school and college athletes concerning sports and life?
Coach Rogers: I would emphasize these four areas…
ATTITUDE – Always have a good attitude. If you are on the 3rd or 4th team, don’t pout; just convince the coach that you are going to get better. Take your sport serious and use it to help mold your life for the future.
PUNCTUALITY – Always be on time for practice, meetings, meals, classes, etc.
EGO – Never get the big head. Be humble, be thankful for the ability you have and opportunities that you make happen. Always give your best; nothing less than your best.
SPIRITUAL LIFE– Go to the church of your choice. Try to live close to God and let Him guide you daily. If you do this, you will accomplish much and be a happier individual.
A ROC-Solid Dream Comes True
Dedication of the Paul Royal Recreation and Outreach Center is scheduled for this Sunday afternoon, January 27, at four o’clock. After the dedication, the ROC will be open for tours and a reception. The dedication is planned for outdoors at the entrance of the ROC, but in the event of inclement weather, the dedication will occur in the gymnasium.
Throughout January we have been exploring The Epic Adventures of Job as our Winter Bible Study for 2008. Last Sunday morning we talked about what to do “When the Darkness Deepens.” We highlighted Job’s response to his season of darkness:
*Job continued to worship.
*Job continued to dialogue with his friends.
*Job continued to dialogue with God.
*Job determined not to be overcome by the darkness.
This Sunday morning, we look at Job 42 which describes “Things Too Wonderful for Me to Know.” Invite a friend to join you are we gather for worship and Bible study.
Then Job replied to the LORD : "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. You asked, 'Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?' Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.” Job 42:1-3 NIV