Monday, November 13, 2006

What Baptists Believe: A Review of Historic Baptist Principles

I am often asked “What do Baptists believe?” I have learned that Baptists are an extremely diverse group of Christians who usually hold a cluster of principles in common. On Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings in November, our discipleship messages are focused on these Historic Baptist Principles. As our faith is anchored in Christ, our practice of faith emerges out of our Baptist convictions.

What factors shape the authentic Baptist identity of our congregation? Putting the word “Baptist” on our church sign does not make us Baptists. Giving to a certain state or national Baptist mission entity does not make us Baptists. Doing missions and ministry according to historic Baptist principles makes us Baptists.

Last Wednesday we began our series by highlighting the Baptist belief in the “The Authority of Scripture.” On Sunday evening during our Deacon Ordination and Commission I shared a brief explanation of the doctrine we call “The Priesthood of the Believer.” During the remainder of November we will explore the following Baptist principles and doctrines:
November 8 “Salvation by Grace”
November 12 “Baptism by Immersion”
November 15 “The Lordship of Christ “
November 19 “The Autonomy of the Local Church”
November 21 “Cooperative Missions”
November 26 “Religious Liberty”

On Sunday mornings, we are engaged in the series “Songs That Come to Life.” This Sunday morning we will ask, “Are These the Days of Elijah?”
There is no greater time than now to invite others to join you in exploring and experiencing the mystery of worshiping and serving God.

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