Thursday, June 19, 2008

Catch A Wave on Outrigger Island

It’s summertime and we are preparing for a cool Vacation Bible School on Outrigger Island. Surfer dudes and dudettes are ready to catch the waves of truth as we have fun exploring some important lessons from the Bible. This year our theme is Psalm 86:11 which says, Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.

As I shared last Sunday, we want students of all ages to learn these five waves of truth:

Wave 1: God Is Real
Wave 2: Jesus Is God’s Son
Wave 3: Jesus Is the Only Way
Wave 4: The Bible Is God’s Word
Wave 5: My Actions Show What I Believe

All summer long we are challenged to Catch a Wave as waves of opportunities and waves of blessings keep rolling our way. In weekly worship experiences, mission and ministry projects, and seasonal recreational activities, there are many places for you to get in on the action.

Also, this week we welcomed our new Ministry Resident, Paul Hood-Patterson, and his wife, Dawn. Paul will be serving on our staff team for two years as he gains valuable experience in a variety of ministry areas. We are honored to have been chosen by the Lily Endowment to serve as a teaching congregation for new ministers.

There’s a welcomed spiritual breeze moving within our First Baptist Family. Surf’s up! Are you ready to Catch a Wave?

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