Thursday, March 08, 2007

Stretch, Yawn, and Come On!

Spring Forward this Sunday! Whether you choose to adjust your clocks at bedtime on Saturday evening, or you actually make the official adjustment at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, this is the weekend that marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time.

This year, DST begins in March rather than April. Many of us have made sure to update the calendars on our computers to make sure there are not Y2K-type glitches. But we must also prepare to adjust our body clocks and our alarm clocks to the new time. Be sure to set your alarm and resist the temptation to sleep late this Sunday. This Sunday yawning is welcome and momentary dozing will be forgiven. Stretch, yawn, and come on to worship and to Bible study, as we transition to DST together.

On Sunday evening, we will meet at six o’clock in Chipley Hall for our church wide Chili Supper and an inspirational interview with Kelly Murray and Cheryl Lauer, both of whom have recently returned from military assignments.

We will continue our series Deep Questions for a Deeper Faith on Sunday morning as we think on the question “Do You Think They Were Worse Sinners?” from Luke 13:1-9.

Invite a friend to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study this Sunday.

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