This week is Holy Week. Walk slowly and reflect on the passion of Christ. During this crucial week, I encourage you to join Christians around the world in re-visiting the biblical events and experiences leading up to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
Each day of Holy Week is important but at least four days call for deep and disciplined reflection. Palm Sunday is a day to recall the royal welcome and the chorus of praise extended to Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. Maundy Thursday commemorates the washing of disciples’ feet by Jesus as he gave them a new mandate to love and serve. Good Friday is a day to revisit the passion and suffering of Christ on the cross. And Resurrection Sunday, or Easter, is a festive day to celebrate and proclaim that “Christ is risen; He is risen indeed.”
In the book, The Gift of Worship, the author calls Christians to walk slowly and intentionally toward their observance of the resurrection: Holy Week services bring into focus dimensions of discipleship that are missed completely by a simple leap from Palm Sunday to Easter. Worship services which take seriously the truths of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday please God because they challenge a greater commitment and a more comprehensive ministry of compassion among the people of God.
As you journey through Holy Week, reflect on the whole story of the experiences of Jesus. Take time to listen to the diverse voices in the crowd. Hear again the words of Jesus and ponder his days in Jerusalem. Meditate on the injustice of the cross. Marvel again at the mystery of the resurrection.
Holy Week is a great time to participate in worship services at various churches across town. And as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection, invite a friend to join you as we gather for worship and Bible study on Easter Sunday.
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