On Sunday evenings during October, we have been talking about casual ways to share our faith as we have been studying key passages of scripture alongside Bill Hybels' book, Just Walk Across the Room.
As we begin the month of November, are you ready to take your walk across the room?
As you prepare to be more proactive in sharing the good news, remember the following highlights from our conversations in October:
1. A few of us may have the spiritual gift of evangelism, but all of us have the responsibility to evangelize.
2. Your everyday experiences on familiar and unfamiliar turf will present unlimited opportunities for you to walk across the room to initiate contact and conversation with others.
3. Your conversation may plant a seed that bears fruit years later or immediately.
4. Taking the initiative to walk across the room requires discipline and commitment. You must do it several times before it becomes a way of life.
5. Discover how many ways you can talk about God, abundant life, faith, church, and Jesus without using religious words. Consider how many times Jesus talked with individuals about life concerns before they learned his identity.
How do you take your first steps? For many of us, walking across the room begins with baby steps:
1. Welcome someone to church that you do not yet know.
2. Make a list of "starter questions" to assist you with starting a conversation.
3. Be sure to notice the person in any crowd who is alone.
4. Have a goal of initiating a conversation with a stranger at least once a week.
5. Without sounding overtly religious, share the good news casually and conversationally.
God wants to work through you, your personality, your contacts, and your calendar to invite others into God's family.
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