Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2009: A Great Year for Mission and Ministry

2009 promises to be a great year of mission and ministry in the life of First Baptist Church.  Already we’ve gotten off to a great start by welcoming ten new church members, beginning our “Celebrating the Disciplines” series and experiencing a terrific Disciple Now Weekend.

Coming up in the first half of 2009, we are looking forward to the annual Super Bowl Fellowship, the Children’s Winter Retreat, Scouting Sunday, the Pensacola Easter Pageant, the Worship Team Spring Concert at the Beach, Founder’s Day, Senior Recognition Sunday, the Chapel Choir Mystery Tour, and Vacation Bible School.  Also during 2009 we will have mission volunteers working on projects in Liberia, Haiti, North Africa, Costa Rica, Bulgaria, the Sudan, and Russia.

Also regarding 2009, earlier this week we witnessed the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States.  No matter who we voted for in the recent election, let us covenant to pray for our President and his administration to lead with moral courage and extraordinary wisdom during these challenging times.

By the way, did you know that feeding the wrong appetites can undermine your spiritual growth? This Sunday morning we are zeroing in on the discipline of fasting, one of the most challenging of the spiritual disciplines, as we think about Becoming Hungry for the Right Stuff.  On Sunday evening during our Winter Bible Study we will be talking about Navigating Change when we meet in Pleitz Chapel at five o’clock.

This week I am participating in the annual Minister’s Metro Conference where I will join with several other pastors who serve similar churches to FBCP that will gather to pray for each other, to share ideas, and encourage each other as we strive to provide proactive and healthy leadership to our congregations.  Thank you for providing opportunities for each of our ministers to participate in events that sharpen our ability to serve.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study

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